Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday May 3, 2016

Log Time: 1730

I have waited six months for this. I am outside sitting on the deck drinking wine and writing this blog.

It was sunny but cool, 39, when I got on my bike and headed to the Y. I am almost back to my normal routine. Today I did everything at 80%.

I can't believe that we got back from Ireland one week ago today.

At Panera I had coffee and a banana and read the papers. I use to consider myself a politico junky but I am so tired of the presidential primaries that I refuse to read any articles about the clowns running for president. A country of over 300 million and this is the best we can do.

I did read about Puerto Rico's default. Should the US Taxpayer bail out an incompetent government.

The Detroit school system is broke, also because of poor management. It looks like the MI legislature is preparing a bail out package. I would shut the system down and let the kids go to private and charter schools.

After Panera I pedaled home and as soon as I got home I took Ms P on her daily walk. I had a quick lunch and then grabbed Ms P and headed out. I stopped at my eye doctors to get some new lenses in my backup glasses. We then headed to the Vet. Ms P had her annual physical. She had a shot and the Vet declared her in good health.

I did take a short nap before heading out on the deck.

Some good things to report on. The temperature increased 30 degrees from this morning. It is now 68. Our grass was mowed for the first time this year. I can spell the fresh cut grass. It is a good smell.

With the longer days I take a walk around the block every evening.

Tonight we will read the GRP and watch some TV. So what is new?

I never tire of listening to the Robin's call. Do they make as much noise when wintering over in FL?

Veronica called today and brought Nancy up to date on their family.

Life is good!

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