Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday June 1, 2016

Log time: 1650

Today is my easy day. In keeping with it name I slept in until 0730.

Nancy headed out early to MVP but I dilly dallied around the house before getting on my bike and riding to Panera.

I had an oatmeal breakfast. Yesterday I cancelled the WSJ and started the digital edition of the New York Times. I was surprised the NYT is cheaper than the WSJ. Also the NYT has four more editions each month.

I read several world new articles and the left leaning NYT like the right leaning WSJ played it straight. In both papers only on the Opinion pages do you get the the paper’s bias.

I was getting tired of all the business news. Who cares what the Fed is going to do. I will give the NYT a month.

The weather folks said it would rain later this morning. When I left Panera it looked like rain but did not get any on the 7 miles ride to the Y.

Today I went swimming. Twenty laps. The pool was crowded but I did not have to share a lane. I heard the reason the pool was busy is that folks are training for a triathlon.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her nature walk and then went on a solo mile walk. Still no rain.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were not busy.

I took a short nap. Soon as I got in bed it started to rain. Good timing.

I have been wearing khaki pants lately. Never have liked jeans. Nancy has a great steam iron that I can use to press my khakis. It does a great job. Yes folks I can iron.

We have finalized our late August trip to the northern Rockies. This afternoon I did some banking to get all the bills paid. On-line banking is great. I just hope it is secure.

This evening we will have a light dinner. If the rain stops a walk around the block is possible.

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