Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday June 6. 2016

Log time: 1745

Sitting on deck, drinking wine and writing this blog. Another cool but nice day in GR.

Usually I am up before 0630 and immediately take Ms P out. The condo folks start the lawn sprinklers at 0630 so must delay our departure.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP and I stayed home and did my calisthenics. No Y today because the painter starts painting the ceiling in the kitchen and also the first coat in the basement.

He arrived at 0830. I did take Ms P on an early walk today.

Nancy got home about 1000. I got on my bike and headed to Panera. Panera had their AC cranked up and I could not get warm. Lodged a complaint.

Read sections of the WSJ and NYT. NYT had an article on how rich Americans moved money silently overseas using a Panamanian law firm. The devious ways they moved money around was very interesting.

Many articles today on the passing of Muhammad Ali. I really liked to watch him box. He was in a class of his own. I was not in favor of his stance toward the draft during the Vietnam era. Of course I also thought our involvement in Vietnam was a major blunder.

The elections in Peru and the UK’s upcoming vote on Brexit also caught my interest. China’s claim to big chunks of the South China Sea is before an UN arbitration panel. China says they will not recognize their decision. Is China the 500# gorilla?

After Panera I stopped at Macatawa Bank and then continued on my bike ride. Today’s ride was 16 miles.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco. We bought three dozen eggs at $0.45 per dozen. That is right, $0.45. These are 1950 prices.

Took a short nap. It is now 1800 and I will take a break to have a light dinner. Stay tuned!
After dinner I walked around the block. We are now watching Bloodlines on netflix.

Bird talk: Last night on my walk I saw a huge bird in a pine tree. It flew away before I could identify it. I thought it was an eagle. This morning I saw the bird and it was not an eagle but a buzzard.

Nancy put up a humming bird feeder on the deck. When writing this blog on the deck I saw a humming bird feeding. I forgot how tiny these birds are.

On this date in 1944 Allied forces landed in Normandy. It was the beginning of the end for Germany. I was six years old at the time. I do not recall the day.

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