Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Tuesday June 21, 2016

Log time: 1730

Our incredible weather continues with sunny skies and temps in the high 70s. Nancy heads out to MVP for her Tuesday swim and I bike to the Y.

It was a very pleasant ride because of a refreshing breeze. Since I have retired and now spend a considerable amount of time outdoors I have observed that we seem to have winds greater than 10 mph more frequently. My high school buddies in Alpena have also noted that they cannot go fishing as much out in Lake Huron because of high winds. My unscientific reason for the higher winds is Global Climate Change.

The workers at Panera now know my name and what I order, banana and a coffee. I did spend several hours reading the NYT. BRexit still dominates the news. The polls say BRexit will be defeated but I am not so sure.

Read about the election of a new mayor for Rome. She has a monumental task getting the city squared away. The corruption and bureaucracy are mind boggling. Twenty five percent of city employees don’t show up for work on any given day.

Food riots in Venezuela are the result of a left wing government gone amuck. Venezuela sits on huge oil reserves but because of mismanagement they cannot feed their citizens. Big Government is always bad.

Because of the nice weather I added a half mile to Ms Ps walk. Quick lunch and then some chores. I ironed several pair of khakis and hung up a towel rack in the downstairs bath.

Last week I bought a humidity gage and placed it downstairs. When the humidity gets above 55% I fire up the dehumidifier. It takes about 24 hours to draw 50 pints of water out of the air.

Today the Gardens had celebrated the one year anniversary of their Japanese Gardens. Nancy worked a special shift.

Tonight we are going to Noto’s for a neighborhood party. Noto’s is an Italian restaurant about 0.5 miles from the condo. During the summer months we get together about once a month.

Blog resumes Wednesday @ 1730:

Good turnout at Noto’s. Our neighbor Sonya drove with us. One of the couples that sat with us had been married 66 years. They have a 39 foot long motor home that he drives all over the USA. He is 85. I think Nancy and I were the youngest couple.

Noto’s food is good. Nancy and I will walk over some evening and sit in the bar and have a light dinner.

Got home about 2045. Sat down to watch some TV and immediately fell asleep.

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