Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday June 8, 2016

Log time: 1940

Breakfast Club Wednesday, left home at 0615 in bright sunshine. Good turnout today. The speaker was retired attorney, Tom Dilley. He has a hobby of studying cemeteries in GR. He gave a great talk. He has even written several books on the subject.

I stopped by the Fulton Street Market and bought two pounds of rhubarb. Continued on to Starbucks in Woodland Mall to read the papers.

No Y today instead I decided on a long bike ride. Today's route included a ride along Fulton between Ada and Forest Hills. Total distance was 16 miles.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. After lunch I took Ms P on her nature walk, took out the trash, folded clothes, showered and took a short nap.

Nancy went to book club straight from the Gardens. I met Ed and Tom at Uccello's for dinner. We had a great time, eating, drinking and talking.

As soon as I got home I took a walk around the block. It was a great summer evening. It is now 2000 and after our cheese we will watch Rosemary and Thyme.

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