Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday June 24, 2016

Log time: 1716

Yes folks another nice summer, clear skies and temps in the mid 80s.

Got up early and left home before 0700. I have to hustle today because the counter top folks are coming at 1000 to take some measurements. I took a short, 4 miles, bike route to the Y.

After the Y I headed to Panera. I only spent about 30 minutes at Panera before heading home. The contractor took some measurement and explained how everything would go together. I felt comfortable after his explanation.

After he left I got back on the bike and headed to Starbucks near Costco. I finished reading the NYT. Actually not much in the paper except articles on the BRexit.

The temps were in the mid 80s when I took Ms P on her walk so we did the short, 0.75 mi, nature route. I really enjoy this great weather but must admit that we need rain.

Took a short nap and then a walk around the block. Showered and got ready to tonight's big event.

Tonight Nancy and I are eating downtown at the Boar’s Head. After dinner we are attending a play, The Book of Mormon, at the DeVos Performance Hall. Will report on the play in tomorrows blog.

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