Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday June 17, 2016

Log time: 1616

A nice warm sunny day, it was 62 when I left for the Y and 76 when I headed to Panera. It is now 89.

During my run this morning a summer class of first graders were singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game. I sang along as I circled the classroom. They then sang “You are My Sunshine”. I finished my mile run with a smile and my best time of the year. Maybe we should have kids sing to Trump and Clinton before they start a rally. It might mellow them out.

NYT today reported on:

the Russian Track team being banned from the Olympics.
the Iraqi Army taking Fallujah.
US State Department employees rebelling against Obama’s Syria policy.

It was 80 when I got home so I took Ms P on our short nature walk.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and ran errands. First stop was Home Depot. I bought a Relative Humidity gage. Our basement is below ground and gets very humid in the summer. We just bought a dehumidifier and I want to know when to turn it on. Next stop was Meijer’s. Nancy bought grapes and snacks. I am glad we normally shop at Meijer’s on Sunday because it is not very crowded. Today it was jammed.

I took a short nap and then spent some time paying bills. Tonight Nancy fixed beans and rice. Also corn on the cob.

Our kitchen TV looks to be failing. I might have to buy a new one.

Tonight we will watch some netflix before turning in. Love June! If I was King I would have two Junes and eliminate March.

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