Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday June 22, 2016

Log time: 1735

I am sitting on the deck drinking lemonade and writing this blog. Today was Breakfast Club Wednesday and I get up with the alarm, 0550. It is nice to be able to drive to BC in bright sunshine.

We had a good turnout. Breakfast this morning was especially good, scrambled eggs and cheese, link sausage, whole grain pancakes and fruit.

Today’s speaker is the husband of Nancy and Bob’s dermatologist, Mary Yurko. He owns a biotech firm developing drugs for Alzheimer’s disease. In fact his drug is now in the first phase of testing on humans. The firm in addition to offices in GR also has labs in Kalamazoo, San Diego, Iceland and Australia. Sort of a multi-national effort. I think you would call this firm a boutique because they have less than 20 total employees.

Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease. I know several high school classmates who have died from Alzheimer’s. Last Sunday’s GR Press had an article on our former Mayor, John Logie, announcing he has Alzheimers. John Logie was a great mayor. He is several years younger than me.

The only thing most experts recommend is cardio exercise. My Grandfather Scott was right. He always said that every day you should work up a good barnyard sweat.

After BC I drove to Cabelas in Grandville. I was looking for sturdy long sleeve white tees and a small backpack in a high visibility color. They had neither. I did buy a small fishing pole. I will need it when AJ comes next week.

I stopped at the Rivertown Mall. I wanted to buy a straw hat at Eddie Bauer. They did not have any.

As soon as I got home I put on my bike clothes and headed out. Today I did my favorite route backwards because the hills are not as bad. Total miles, 15.

I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Performed some errands and then took a short nap.

Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon. She said they were busy.

After the news I will take a walk around the block. I didn’t have time to get a coffee and read the papers today. Tonight I will try to catch up.

Our string of super nice days continued. It might end tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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