Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saturday June 11, 2016

Log time: 2130

Saturday morning and we slept in this morning. Another warm day is ahead of us. Temps in high 80s.

We walk to Panera for breakfast. It is nice to be able to walk in the morning wearing only a tee shirt. We had our typical Saturday breakfast.

Today I took a long 16 mile bike ride. Great day for a bike ride.

I tried to take Ms P on her walk but she refused. It must be the heat.

Showered and then read the papers. How come I find the elections in Peru, political problems in Brazil and the BRexit interesting but I never read about the US elections? Could we be saturated with all the coverage?

I took a walk this afternoon. Nancy grilled steaks for dinner. She also grilled potatoes. We had dinner on the deck.

After dinner I took a walk around the block. We watched Happy Valley and then Grace and Frankie on netflix.

It is now 2200 and am signing off for the day. 15h20’ of daylight today. Love June!

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