Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday June 20, 2016

Log time: 1750

The summer solstice is today at 1834 EDT. In GR we will have 15h21' of daylight. I always have a let down immediately after the solstice because the days are getting shorter.

We had another hot one today. It is 87 presently. I am sitting on our deck writing this blog. The nice thing about this warm weather is that I only wear three items of clothing vs nine in winter.

I got up early today. Headed out to the Y before 0800. Despite the early hour I still worked up a sweat.

Did the normal calisthenics and run at the Y. I keep saying I like the WSJ over the NYT, then how come I spent two hours reading the NYT this morning. I found several interesting articles.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a short walk. Wanted to get the walk in before the heat really hit us.

I did a load of laundry before lunch. After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Costco. I bought a TV for the kitchen. It was the smallest TV on display, 24". I could not believe the price, $135, or weight, extremely light. It was easy to set up.

Nancy and Mary Namey drove to Grand Haven today to have lunch with a fellow teacher. They had a great time.

We had a light dinner tonight. It is now 1857 and we are watching NBC news. I will take a walk after the news.

We will watch TNT and then record Major Crimes that starts at 2200. We usually go to bed at 2200.

Good to see Cleveland win the BB championship. They said it is the first title since the Browns football team won in 1964.

I remember vividly the World Series win of the Cleveland Indians in 1948. The Indians beat the Boston Braves. I was ten and was confined to home because of the Chicken Pox. My Parents gave me a radio for Christmas. I was a big baseball fan and really was kind of glad I could stay home and listen to the games.

I remember game three. The Indians won 2-0. Gene Bearden was the winning pitcher. Bearden had been wounded in WW II and had a steel plate in his head. The announcer kept talking about not only did Bearden have and iron plate in his head but he had an iron heart.

I told my Parents at dinner that Gene Bearden had an iron heart. My Parents tried explaining that the term Iron Heart was a metaphor meaning he was fighter. And that is the way it was in the life of little Bobby Scott, 1948.

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