Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday June 15, 2016

Log time: 1725

Today is my easy day. It was raining at my normal wake up time, 0630, so I rolled over and slept until 0715.

Still raining when I left home so I walked to Panera. I had an oatmeal breakfast. The grace period for the WSJ must have expired because I could not download it. I have another month on the NYT subscription so I downloaded it.

Does Donald Trump have any friends in the media? I know he is not a friend of mine. I might add that I am not fond of Ms Clinton. Libertarian’s might get over 10% of the vote in the Nov election.

After Panera I decided that I should go swimming. Walked to the Y and swam 30 minutes.

The temperature and humidity was going up at a rapids rate so as soon as I got home I took Ms P on our short nature walk.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She left at 1230.

Tomorrow is recycle day. We had a lot to recycle this period.

Had my normal lunch, yogurt, hardboiled egg, apple and cheese.

Took a short nap.

I synced (sp?) my iPad and iPhone to the laptop.

Tonight we are going to the Condo Associations annual meeting. I will suspend writing this blog and have any early dinner. Stay tuned!

Had the light dinner and then Nancy and I headed to Noto’s. Noto's provides a meeting room for the condo group. Over 60 folks attended the meeting tonight. This was our second meeting and we are beginning to know more of our neighbors. No big problems with the association. Several complaints about last winters snow plowing. We learned that our drive will be repaved this summer.

Debbie is attending Grandson Lucas’s fifth grade graduation today. Next year he starts Middle School. She sent us several pictures. Congratulations Lucas!

The Scott household had a major problem today. We ran out of peanut butter. I got on my bike and headed to Costco. Costco is 1.75 miles from the condo. Wednesday afternoon is a good time for shopping at Costco. Not many customers.

The trip to Costco is an example of how convenient our condo is to major shopping. Malls, grocery, sporting goods stores and restaurants are within any easy walk or bike ride. I have been thinking of trading both the cobalt and Taurus in for one large SUV. I sometimes think we don’t need two vehicles.

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