Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday June 5, 2016

Weekend Update: Log time 1512 Sunday

Saturday morning and first thing we walk to Panera for breakfast. I had their oatmeal with sourdough toast and Nancy had a whole grain bagel. We both had coffee. In fact this is the same menu as every other Saturday morning at Panera. Boring?

Rain is predicted for this afternoon so I wanted to get my bike ride before it starts. I rode 15 miles.

Nancy had several errands to run today to get ready for tonight. We are having the Namey’s over for dessert after dinner at the Euro Bistro.

I cleaned up my mess around the house. Took Ms P on her nature walk.

Spent some time reading the NYT and WSJ. I am not any smarter.

We had a brief shower in the afternoon. We met the Namey’s at 1800.

The Euro Bistro was not very crowded when we arrived but within 30 minutes it was full. We always rate the EB as an A. I think the Namey’s did too.

Nancy fixed a blackberry/raspberry dessert over ice cream (sugar free of course) for dessert. It was very good. We drank coffee and talked until 2100. A very pleasant evening.

Sunday June 5, I beat the 0650 alarm. It was raining. This morning Nancy is going swimming at the Y and I am doing some calisthenics. I think the pool chemicals are causing a skin rash so I will forego swimming for awhile.

We encountered an electrical storm on our way to the Y. The Y closes the pool during an electrical storm. The storm was ending when we arrived and Nancy got her swim in.

We did not need much at Meijer’s today. I did fill up the Taurus and gas was $2.60.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. It was too wet for the nature walk. I took a short nap.

Yesterday I fired up our new dehumidifier and this afternoon I emptied it. It pulled 50 pints out of the air is less than 24 hours. I think that is pretty good.

As soon as I finish this blog I will write checks for our 2nd quarter taxes and walk it over to the mail box.

Nancy is warming up some of the lasagna we had last week for dinner. After dinner we will take a short walk and then finish reading the GRP. Probably watch some TV before turning in.

On this date in 1938 it was also a Sunday. Ossineke, Mi: Great grandfather Sanborn said they had morning thunder showers. GGF is trying to sell some property and he had some folks come over to look. He spent the afternoon watching Ossineke play Greely Grange in baseball. Sadly Greely won.

Alpena County had a baseball league made up of teams from small communities in the county. My Grandfather Scott did not miss a home game when Hubbard Lake played. The Hubbard Lake team was made up of farm boys from the area. When working on my Grandfather’s farm in the summer he would insist that I go to the game. Not a bad way to spend a summer’s Sunday afternoon.

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