Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday June 7, 2016

Log time: 1722

A cold windy Tuesday, temps never got above 61. Nancy headed out early for her swim.

Once again I did my calisthenics at home because the Randy, the painter, is coming early to finish painting the kitchen ceiling and lower bath.

I left for Panera as soon as Nancy got home at 1000. I am still able to get the WSJ. I read selected articles in both the WSJ and NYT.

Quick Summary:

Doing business in China is difficult.

The ruling PRI party in Mexico lost in four states. First time they lost since 1929.

Donald Trump might self destruct.

Bernie might win California.

After coffee I continued on my bike ride. Total miles today, 16.

Randy was done painting before noon. Everything looks good.

Nancy got some special orthotics for her left foot.

I took a short nap right after lunch.

Ran errands this afternoon. Bought special dog food for Ms P. Also bought a salt block. Placed the block outside our downstairs slider. Hope the deer will stop by for a lick.

At ACE Hardware I bought four new light switch plates for the downstairs bath. Also got sandpaper so I can sand the top of the lower bath door.

Nancy and I started filling out an application for a Global Entry card. I got frustrated but Nancy bulled her way through. The Feds never make anything easy.

Light dinner tonight then a walk around the block. Finish the evening reading the GRP and watching some TV.

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