Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday June 27, 2016

Log time: 2017

Another nice day sunny and warm.

It was 69 when I headed to the Y and when I arrived it was 77. I overdressed and my clothes were wet.

Tomorrow I will put a change of clothes in my backpack. One of the few downsides of warm weather.

BRexit dominates the news. I really get tired listening and reading about how the world will end tomorrow because of the BRexit. Most reporters are thumb suckers and bed wetters. What will be will be!

As soon as I got home Nancy and I headed to Costco to replenish supplies. Gas at Costco was $2.21.

After lunch I got on the bike and headed to Gagnon Travel. We are taking AJ back to CA in the middle of July and need tickets. Peggy, our agent, will check out all our options.

I did take a short nap. We had a light dinner. After dinner we all walked to the mailbox a round trip walk of about 1 mile.

Watched some of the swimming trials. It is now 2100 and we are watching and Rizzoli and Isles.

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