Friday, June 3, 2016

Thursday June 2, 2016

Log time: 2120

Another great day in GR, sunny sky and temps in the 70s. Busy day for Bob and Nancy, Nancy started the day with a swim and I biked to the Y and performed my standard routine.

I read the NYT at Panera. Hope the Pacific trade pact makes it through congress before the election. All three candidates are against it. Dumb. Free trade is good for USA.

I have decided that I can not support either Trump or Clinton. I am voting Libertarian.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her nature walk. Nancy had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. She got a good report.

I did at load of laundry. The painter is coming tomorrow to patch and paint the kitchen ceiling. He is also going to strip wallpaper and paint the downstairs bath. I had to clean out the bath. I moved a free standing cabinet, a mirror and towel hangers. It took about 90 minutes.

I needed a small bolt so I could hook up the cabinet. I headed to ACE and bought a bolt, nut and washers for $0.29. At Costco I bought wine, mouthwash, eye drops and the UM tee.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Sundance. We both had their scrambled eggs and ham. It was such a nice evening that I took a walk around the block.

Watched Marseille on Netflix. Nancy does not like the French dialogue with English subscripts. She went to bed after the first episode and I watched the second. I like this show.

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