Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday July 31, 2013

Wednesday my easy day. Up at 0600 pedal to Bill's for oatmeal. Home by 0830. Lawn sprinkler man will perform a PM check some time between 0900 and noon. He arrived at 0930 and was done in about 30 minutes. Had several errands to run so got in C2 and first stop was credit union to get some cash. Next stop was Meijer's to get apples. Nancy is working at Gardens this afternoon. Tried to take a nap but phone kept ringing. Got up after 30 minutes. We have had off and on rain all day. I did take Ms P on her mile walk without getting wet. After our walk I took a bike ride around Reeds Lake. The Gardens was not busy today so Nancy got off early. Tonight I will finish Sunday's rice and beans. I downloaded the latest James Bond movie to the MacBook. It took five hours. That seems very long? Today is the last day of July. Summer is going too fast. I really don't like Back-to-School sales in mid July. We see groups of high school kids (cross country) running all over SE GR. Don't kids have summer jobs? Did you know that in 1955 Alpena High School only had one fall sport, football. Practice did not start until the week before Labor Day. Times have changed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday July 30, 2013

If it is acceptable to ignore all English rules when using twitter then it should be ok to use the same rules when writing this blog. Sorry GGF Sanborn! up at 0700 and head to the MAC for calisthenics and swim. No run or rowing. had my coffee at Starbucks in Gas Light Village. no outside table so had to sit inside with A/C going full blast. I complained but told no change. WSJ articles on Afganistan and Iraq reinforced my opinion that we wasted billions and they will always dislike the USA. Saudis finally admit that US fracking operations will impact their economy. If you want to understand Detroit's problems read the letter to editor in today's WSJ. Quick lunch and took Ms P on mile walk. The MAC might close in January. Closest option is MVP on East Paris and Burton. Rode my bike to MVP, 4.5 miles and took a different route home, 4.5 miles also. Heavily traveled roads so I will take the sidewalk on Burton. MVP is 2 mi further than MAC. Will read paper edition of GRP and watch some TV tonight. Nancy it fixing me a crab meat salad with french bread for dinner tonight. Sounds good. Joined LinkedIn yesterday. Have several Navy friends you have a LinkedIn page.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday July 29, 2013

Up at 0500 in pool by 0600, swam 1500 yards. Performed 30 minutes of calisthenics. Started pedaling to Kava House but got too cold so stopped at home to get warm sweat shirt. Nancy had PT this morning and also visited foot doctor. Foot should by all cured by December. Walked Ms P 1.14 miles. Took short nap. Joined Linked In. Ordered Robert Crais book from Kindle. Light dinner and TV before bed.

Sunday July 28, 2013

Blog written on 28JUL13@1627: Sunday in brief: up at 0700, Bob and Nancy swam 1500 yards shopping at Meijer's. Gas is $3.63 Nancy fixed world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast Sunday nap, 2.5 mile walk rice and beans for dinner. opened a bottle of wine. read GRP and watched 60 minutes before bed. Very cold for July

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday july 27, 2013

Nancy got up at 0730 and headed to the MAC for water aerobics. I slept in until 0800 and then got on the bike and pedaled to Bill's. I had their oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled to Rylee's to buy some wire for my weed eater. I have been having problems with my bike lock and as much as I tried I could not get it open. I spent at least 30 minutes trying. Luckily, Rylee's had a bolt cutter and they cut the lock for me. I resumed my morning activities by pedaling around Reeds Lake. As soon as I got home I got out the lawn mower and started cutting. I was done by 1500. After a shower I took a 20' nap. Nancy and I left at 1600 to attend a 1st Anniversary party for Becky (Verker) and Ken Hershberger. It was at their home. They had a dixie land band. The music and food were good. Nancy and I stayed 1.5 hours. The party was held outdoors and it was cold. The weather folks say this is the coldest last weekend in July in years. Who keeps these records? This morning's WSJ had several scathing articles on the past management of the City of Detroit, especially during Coleman Young's time as mayor. The bankruptcy is going to get very nasty before it is resolved. I lived in Detroit in early 1961. It was a great place to live. Enough said!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday July 26, 2013

In keeping with my new schedule I got up at 0500. I turned on all my bike lights and pedaled to the MAC. I was in the pool by 0600. I swam 1,500 yards and I even broke 43'. After the swim I put on my work out clothes and did my calisthenics. I was at the Kava House before 1000. I did read the WSJ but I think it being summer I did not find anything I really liked. I will tell you I don't like reading about baby George, Anthony Weiner, or for that matter any politician. When I got home it was too early for lunch so I headed upstairs to write Thursday's blog. I had a quick lunch and when Nancy got home we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Nancy needed to pick up a prescription. An annoying thing about Costco is that they close the pharmacy for lunch. We left and headed to Meijer's. Nancy purchased grapes and blueberries. We are going to an OHNA TGIF this evening and Nancy needed some lemon curd for her treat. No curd at Meijer's. We headed back to Costco and Nancy picked up her prescription. On our way home we stopped and D&W and picked up a jar of lemon curd. Since I had been up since 0500 I did take a nap. It is now 1615 and raining. We are leaving in 15 minutes for the TGIF. A cold front is suppose to move through this evening. Stay tuned.

Thursday July 25, 2013

I got up at 0700 and today I start my new workout schedule. No running or rowing until my muscle pull is gone. I head directly to the MAC and do my calisthenics and then finish with a 1,500 yard swim. I am done by 1030. I pedal to Starbucks in Gas Light for coffee. It was too sunny to sit outside so I sat inside. They had the AC going full blast and I got chilled. I asked the manager if they got complaints about it being too cold and he said "all the time". He explained that the setting is determined by an off site manager and they cannot change it. I hate AC. I stop at GR Bike to get my tires pumped up. I carry 120 psi in the single speed tires and they lose about 20 psi in a week. GR Bike does not charge to fill the tires. I had a quick lunch before heading upstairs for a quick nap. Nancy and I are having dinner at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. On our way we stop at the Library so Nancy can pick up a book. We sat outside and Nancy had a salad and I had a French dip. Talbots in Breton Village is having a sale. We stopped on our way home. I read the GRP and watched some TV before heading upstairs at 2100. I plan on getting up early on Friday.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday July 24, 2013

Wednesday my easy day and also Breakfast Club. I was up at 0555 and got ready for the 0700 BC. It was cool this morning, high 50s. As I have mentioned before I sit at a table of 8. I am the youngest. This morning one member had just had his 58th wedding anniversary. All the other members with the exception of yours truly have been married over 50 years. The breakfast was especially good this morning. We had scrambled eggs, an apple and bread dish, scones and fruit. After BC I came home and changed into shorts. The days are getting shorter so I put new batteries in my bike lights. I don't want to give some motorist an excuse that he could not see me. I have lights and glow-in-the dark shirts and vests. I then pedaled to the Starbucks in Gas Light for my morning coffee. After finishing the WSJ I pedaled over to the Ada Bike Shop on Fulton and bought a rear light for my urban bike. This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden. I cleaned up my office and then I loaded the kayak up and headed to Reeds Lake. It is 3.25 miles around the lake and it takes me 1h15'. It was a beautiful day to be on the water. We will have a light dinner and watch some TV tonight. I forgot to mention in Monday's blog that Nancy was returning from Chicago on the train. She called me when the train got to Holland. Ms P and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Depot. The train was schedule for a 2140 arrival and it was right on time. Nancy said every seat on the train was occupied. This is great because for years the GR to Chicago route has suffered from low ridership. Amtrak has threatened to discontinue the service. I think passenger trains should be a part of our transportation mix. As I was typing my comments on trains I got a "Breaking News" story on my iPhone saying that dozens of folks were killed in a train derailment in Spain. Speaking of "Breaking New" Nancy just got a email from the MAC. The MAC will close in January if a buyer is not found. We have been members since 1990. We can find another club but it will not be as convenient. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday July 23, 2013

I went outside briefly at 0500 and it had just started to rain. No thunder just a nice gentle rain. I checked at 0800 as I was getting ready to go to MAC and the sky was blue. Today I did the tri and luckily I did not have to share a lane. Because I have a 1300 Doctor's appointment I stopped at the Starbucks in Breton Village. I was just starting to read the WSJ when Ed Namey walked by. He stopped and we talked for 30 minutes. Ed spent most of his career in the airline business. He is disappointed that the airlines are adding more seats to their planes. Ed is over 6' tall. The Nameys have children in Virginia and CA so they travel to these destinations at least 4 times a year. The airlines have forced him to upgrade in order to have some comfort. I am lucky that I am short and so I do not have the discomfort taller folks have. Did you know that in 1960 I was considered an average America male? My height, 5'7", suit and shoe size, 40/9.5, were average. Now I am considered short. It must be the diet? I left D&W at noon and headed straight home. After a quick lunch I headed to the Doctor. I thought I had a deep groin muscle pull. The Doctor confirmed my suspicions. He recommended not rowing or running for several weeks. I told him I would keep riding my bike but only for my trips to the MAC. I will start swimming 5 days a week for my aerobic exercise. Stay tuned! I am so tired of all the royal baby news. My views are shared by a lot of guys at the MAC. I really don't care what they call the little guy. Nancy just called me to dinner. She has fixed me a pork chop.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday July 22, 2013

We had a big thunderstorm roll through last night. I was surprised but the storm did not seem to bother Ms P. She has only been gone one night but I miss Nancy. She is at the merchandise show in Chicago. I got up at 0655 this morning. Today I changed my schedule. I did my entire workout at the MAC. I thought it might shorten the routine. It did by 30 minutes. I ran 2.5 miles outside today with no pain. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. I sat outside. I think I like Starbuck in EGR better than the Kava House because the inside lighting is better and the chairs are more comfortable. I read most of the WSJ but did not find any article that I want to comment on. Tomorrow is garbage day so I had to put the container at the curb. After lunch I took a quick nap. I spent most afternoon working on the computer. After using Windows for so many years I am having some problems adjusting to my MacBook. Tonight I will have a light dinner and then walk over to a new frozen yogurt place in Eastown. I pick up Nancy at the train station at 2240. We had perfect summer weather today with a high of 82. Eighty two is perfect for summer. I just finished filling out my Absent Voter's Ballot. I will mail it when I walk to the yogurt shop tonight. I have a 100% voting record. Lately my winning percentage has been less that 50%.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday July 21, 2013

Weekend update: Saturday morning, it was a little cooler this morning. I pedaled to Bill's for my oatmeal breakfast. I could not get my Kindle to open so no WSJ. Usually Saturday breakfast lasts 90 minutes. Today with no Kindle it lasted 20. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. East Grand Rapids has put new bituminous on the road around the lake. It makes for a smooth ride. As soon as I got home I turned on the MacBook and tried to get a phone number to report my Kindle problem. Amazon's web page said if we wanted to get the phone number go to their "Contact us" page. I thought it was impossible to find a number. I finally googled Kindle and got a phone number. I was told all I had to do was hold the on button for a count of 50. It worked. It was 88 when I started cutting the grass. Lawn experts say that you should alternate cutting directions. I usually don't do this but today I did alternate. It took about 30 minutes longer than normal. Ms P was out with me and she was very active chasing the ball. I finished the lawn cutting at 1630. After a shower I took a short nap. Nancy and I had dinner at Forest Hill Inn. I had a wet burrito. Nancy headed upstairs at 2100. I stayed down and watch a Bourne Identity rerun. I took Ms P out at 2100 and was surprised that she could hardly walk. We had to carry her upstairs. We gave her some anti inflammation medicine. Sunday July 21: All our alarms go off at 0630. Nancy is going to a buyer's show in Chicago today. She is taking the train to Chicago. I took Ms P out and she appears back to normal. The train leaves at 0740. We were early but a large crowded was already waiting. I swam my 1,500 yards today. My time was 43'20". I did go to Meijer's today. Gas was $3.87. I bought apples and yogurt. Because I will not have Nancy's world famous eggs today I decided that I would violate my diet. I bought some chocolate covered donuts. I took a short nap. I thought Ms P was feeling better so I walked her around the nap. With all my bike riding I need another high visibility tee shirt. I drove to Gazelle Sport and bought a shirt. I took a 2.25 mile walk when I got home. It is now 1936 and I am sitting at the kitchen table writing this blog and watching 60 minutes. Is it a generational thing because every time I pass a Cartridge World store I think they sell bullets. Do you? Tonight I will finish reading the GRP (paper edition) and watch some TV before heading upstairs. I will also give Nancy a call to see how things are going.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday July 19, 2013

Today the weather folks predict rain. The rain will bring us cooler weather. We had a thunder shower come through about 1400 but it did not provide any heat relief. This morning I did all my calisthenics at home. I have either a groin muscle pull or a hernia so I did not do any rowing or running today. I will see the doctor on Tuesday. I got the single speed out and pedaled to Starbucks in Gas Light. I read the WSJ. The articles about Detroit I find interesting. I just hope the bankruptcy does not impact the bond rating of GR or other Mi cities that have kept their financial house in order. I also don't think Detroit should be bailed out. It is a Detroit problem and they should pay for their mismanagement. At 1100 I got on the single speed and headed to the MAC. I needed some aerobics so I swam 1,000 yards. Kim, cleaning lady, came this morning and she was finishing up at 1330. I took a short nap and then caught up on some mail. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Houligan's. This food was good but overpriced. Houligan's was not very crowded. I did watch the evening news. About 1930 I thought it was about time that Ms P got out of the house. It was still 90 but the humidity had gone down. We just walked around the block. Not much on TV so we will head upstairs early. I am reading a good book about an archer in the English army around 1300. Maybe I can finish this weekend. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday July 18, 2013

Today is our son Stephen's 40th birthday. I remember his birth date well. It was a beautiful July day in 73. Early morning and Nancy said her water broke. We drove to the hospital and within 30 minutes Nancy was wheeled out and she said it was a little boy. In 1973 Fathers did not take part in the birth. We sat in the lounge and read year old copies of SI. I then drove home and told Nana, Debbie and Missy that they had a grandson/brother. In the afternoon I took a box of cigars to the Kentwood Landfill and passed them out to all the haulers. Oh the things we remember. Today is suppose to be the last day of our heat wave. It is now 1800 and the temperature is 95. This being Thursday I did my tri. Unlike Tuesday today I did not have to share a lane. I stopped at Starbucks in Gas Light for my morning coffee and newspaper. I love using my Starbucks app on the iPhone. Big article on Detroit's money woes in the WSJ. Bankruptcy will probably be declared this week. We have been watering our lawn every two days. Despite all the water the heat appears to have stunted the grass. I might wait to Saturday to cut the grass. Because of Nancy's recent foot surgery she has to have some special inserts made. She had a 1600 appointment with the insert folks. We drove to their shop and then we decided to have an early dinner and drove the Great Lakes Shipping. Nancy's medicine for her foot requires she stay out of the sun so we sat inside. We worked last night at the Harry Connick Jr concert. The amphitheater has a capacity of 1,900 but we were told 2,100 tickets were sold. Everyone showed up. I have never seen so many folks in the amphitheater. After the sun went down it was a perfect night for a concert. The show lasted for two hours and I think the folks got a bargain. We will read the GRP and watch some TV before heading upstairs. I like "Burn Notice" on USA. It is a new season. I am also watching the Tour de France. The scenery is really great. Rural France is beautiful. I see that some politicians want to pull out of the winter olympics. This is payback to Putin for harboring Snowden. Dumb idea. Really! Really Dumb. Tonight I will finish the rhubarb sauce. Life is good!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday July 17, 2013

Maybe it is the heat but both Nancy and I slept in today. I finally got up at 0730. Today is my easy day so I pedaled to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I was surprised at the number of folks biking and running around the lake. At 1000 the temperature was in the 90s. It is now 1615 and the temperature is 93. Ms P is not taking the heat well. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. We are also working at the Harry Connick concert tonight. I drove Nancy to the Gardens and after her shift she will walk over to our work station. We begin work at 1700 and should be done by 1945. The concert starts at 1930. It is sold out. The Amphitheater holds 1,900 folks. On this date in 1938, Ossineke, Michigan. It was a Sunday and GGF Sanborn spent the AM at home. Hazel called GGF and asked that he work in the post office all next week because she is attending a school convention in Tawas. In the afternoon GGF attended the Ossineke vs Herron baseball game, score unknown. I think this is a pretty active life for an 83 year old man. Yesterday he worked in his garden. His car a Zepher broke down so he fixed it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday July 16, 2013

Another 90 degree day is upon us. Our AC keeps chugging along. I am surprised hearing folks at the MAC saying they will not go outside. I say embrace the weather. I rode the single speed to the MAC. I really like the single speed for riding around town because it is so simple. Just get on and pedal. No thinking required. I am surprised at the number of young folks that think my bike is cool. GR has a lot of single speed riders. Everyone must be on vacation because traffic was very light this morning. I had to share a lane for most of my swim this morning. My swim times have slowly been getting faster. The 1,000 yard time today was 28'30". This is a slow time for hard core swimmers but it is good for me. The Kava House was not very crowded today. I sat outside and read the WSJ. Most folks stayed in the AC section. Most public places keep their AC set too low. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are heading to the Gardens to work a concert. I probably will be taking tickets. It will be interesting to see if the heat keeps folks away. On a hot summer night I would want to sit outside and listen to the music. Stay tuned. I was glad to see that my sister had the bad wound on her leg checked out. She facebooked (is this a word) a picture and it looked bad. About four friends told her to get it checked out. Speaking of wounds Nancy today scheduled her first physical therapy session for her foot and ankle rehab. I got my 30' in today did you?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday July 15, 2013

Yesterday we hit 90 degrees for the first time. The weather folks say the 90 degree temperatures will remain through Thursday. Today it hit 94. I worked up a big sweat on my pedal to the MAC this morning. The hot weather did not stop me from running outside. I ran about 2.2 miles. It did take awhile to cool off. I ended up at the Kava House. I sat outside and read the WSJ. I got home at 1300. Nancy had a 1330 appointment with the Doctor who performed her foot surgery. She said that Nancy no longer has to wear the boot. She is scheduled to start physical therapy next week. Nancy was given a prescription to bring down the swelling in her foot. We drove to Costco to pick it up. We did not take Ms P because of the heat. In addition to Nancy's prescription we bought peanut butter, trail mix, eye drops, kleenex and granola. I dropped Nancy at home and then got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped at Macatawa Bank to cash a check. Found out that the new manager is a graduate of Alpena High. We talked a bit about the home town. I also stopped at D&W to buy some Bud. D&W sells 16 oz bottles of Bud for $1 a bottle. Actually it is an aluminum bottle. I think this is a great price. We are having a light dinner. We have the AC on and I don't think I will leave the house. Summer rocks!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday July 14, 2013

Today is the first day this year that the temperature has reached 90. Today being Sunday we got up at 0655 and headed to the MAC for our swim. I had a PB in my 1500 yard swim, 43'34". It took me awhile but I can finally swim the crawl taking a breath every third stroke. I alternate the side I take a breath on. I have been told that this is more efficient than taking a breath every stroke. I have been taking an informal survey. Most men, even good swimmer, take a breath every stroke. Most women take a breath every 6 or 8 strokes. Nancy does it every 6 strokes. So now I ask do women have greater lung capacity than men? Gas at Meijer's today was $3.87. This time of year Meijer's has all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Nancy bought fresh raspberries today. We had Nancy's world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. The only news on the TV today was about the Zimmerman trial. I am assuming that since it did not take the jury long to reach a verdict that the defense's case was strong (or the State's case was weak). After reading the comics I headed upstairs to take my Sunday nap. We turned the AC on about noon today and it will probably be on for the rest of the week. After the nap I was going to take Ms P on a walk but she refused. I took a 2.5 mile walk. I think that the scooter is the most popular means of transportation for kids in their early teens. How come I never hear a politician talking about converting to the metric system? We are the only country in the world using the so called English system. Even England uses the metric system. Speaking of the UK, did you know that in September 2014 Scotland will hold a referendum on independence from the UK. I think this is a stupid idea. Maybe this is why our ancestors left the country. Tonight Nancy is grilling hot dogs. In addition we are having potato salad and corn on the cob. For dessert I am having rhubarb sauce. It doesn't get any better.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday July 13, 2013

We had another beautiful summer day. For breakfast I pedaled to Bill's for oatmeal. After Bill's I headed straight home and loaded up the kayak and headed to the Grand River. I put in at Ada. I paddled under the M21 bridge to the outlet of the Thornapple River. I paddled up the Thornapple to the Ada Dam. I turned around and headed to the Grand. The trip took 50 minutes. I wanted more time on the water so I paddled up the Grand for about 50 minutes before turning around. The total trip was about 4.75 miles. I know because I wore my GPS. Total time on the water 2h10'. When I got home I took Ms P on her mile walk. After a quick shower I wanted to take a short nap but could not fall asleep, a first for me. We are staying home tonight. Nancy is grilling steak for dinner. The only downside to this great weather is that the grass is turning brown. I reset the sprinkler to every two days.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday July 12, 2013

Today is a perfect summer's day. Bright blue sky with temps in the low 80s. After the at home routine I got in the C2 and headed to the post office to mail a package. I then drove to the MAC. I ran 2 miles outside today. I stopped at the Starbuck in Breton Village for a quick coffee and to scan the WSJ. At 1115 I headed to Lowell. I am meeting Jennifer at noon for lunch. Jennifer filled me in on what is happening in the engineering field. I am so out of it. We had a pleasant lunch. Jennifer had to leave early because she has to drive her daughter to a softball game in Battle Creek. Next week the temperatures are suppose to reach 90. Nancy has been trying to reach the groomer to get Ms P trimmed. The call came through at 1400 and they said if we hurried that they could do Ms P this afternoon. We got her there by 1430. Nancy had trouble sleeping last night so she is taking a nap while I write this blog and wait for a call from the groomer. I did take a mile walk. The groomer was especially slow and we did not pick up Ms P until 1800. She has a real short cut. Tonight we went to the Sundance Grill for dinner. We sat outside and ate our salads. Not much on TV so we were upstairs by 2130.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday July 11, 2013

It has been a beautiful summer's day. This morning both Nancy and I went swimming. Unlike Tuesday the pool was nearly empty. Today instead of going to the Kava House I stopped at Starbucks in Gas Light Village. I spent over an hour reading the WSJ and I cannot remember a single article. Is this a bad sign or only that the WSJ had nothing of value? I did stop at the GR Bike shop in Gas Light and had them inflate my tire to 120 psi. At 120 the bike really moves along. The down side is that the ride is rough. I was going to spend the rest of the afternoon in the office clearing my in basket. I feel asleep so I took a short nap. I did FaceTime my sister and pay some bills. Tonight Nancy and I are going to GL Shipping for dinner. I have not taken Ms P on her walk yet so I will do it later this evening.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday July 10, 2013

Today I had breakfast club. I was up at 0555 and out the door at 0630. We had a great breakfast this morning. Scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, donuts and a yogurt parfait. We had a good turnout. The Speaker talked today about the "Senior Neighbors" program. After BC I stopped at Kava House and read the WSJ. I cannot figure out the middle east and I don't think anyone in DC can either. I read that the President is so fed up with the leader in Afghanistan that he might pull our troops out early. I really hope he follows through. Today is grass cutting day. I started about 1130 and was finished at 1430. After the yard work I took Ms P on her daily mile walk. After a shower I took a short nap. Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Vitales. I met Ed Namey and Tom Moleski for pizza. Nancy had book club. This afternoon a cold front came through. We turned the AC off. Last night I finished the book on Catherine the Great. I started a historical novel based in England in the 1300s. It is now 2030 and Nancy just walked in. We will watch some TV and then head upstairs. Enjoy your summer.

Tuesday July 9, 2013

I really shouldn't wait a day to do a blog. My memory is getting real weak. The weatherman said that it would be hot, mid 80s, and humid Tuesday with a chance of rain. It was hot and humid but we had no rain in the morning. Yesterday was my swim day. Normally the pool only has 1 other swimmer when I do my laps. Today every lane had two swimmers. I had to wait about 10 minutes before I could get in. Despite sharing a lane I had a good time for my 1,000 yards. It was very humid on my ride to the Kava House and I was drenched in sweat when I arrived. I sat outside and read the WSJ. It was threatening rain so I postponed cutting the lawn until Wednesday. At 1630 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer's Garden. Tonight we are working at the concert. Every Tuesday in the summer the Gardens has a concert featuring local talent. I took my raincoat. My job was to take tickets and Nancy was inside selling tickets. About 45 minutes before the concert it started to rain. I put on the rain coat and looked forward to a miserable evening. I could hear thunder in the background. It rained for about 15 minutes and then it cleared up. The concert started at 1900 and I was done work at 1930. I bought a beer, Fat Tire, set up the folding chairs and Nancy and I had a picnic and watched the concert. There were two acts and both were good. We got home about 2100. Overall not a bad summer's day.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday July 8, 2013

We had the AC on last night. It was 76 when Ms P and I went out at 0500. I got up at 0655 and the weather man said it would be raining by 1100. I did the at home stuff and then pedaled to the MAC. Today I ran 2 miles outside. It was very hot and humid. I raced the rain on my way to the Kava House. It started to rain when I was about 500 feet from my destination. The plane crash at SFO was really serious. I was surprised at how many folks survived. I read the story about the runaway train crash and fire in Canada. Apparently the crew stopped for coffee and they did not put the brakes on. Is this a tragic mistake or a criminal act? I got home about 1300. Our next door neighbor's daughter is home from the Peace Corps. She was in Panama and brought home a dog. The dog is having some adjustment problems. It got away and the whole family was out searching for it. Thank God Ms P does not run away. Nancy had a crown comes off her tooth so she had to go to the dentist this afternoon. I took a short nap and then played with my Air. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Meijer's Garden for a tour of the new Japanese Garden. The Japanese Garden is under construction. Stay tuned. 2135: The tour of the partially complete Japanese Garden was very interesting. It will be a great addition to the Gardens. It is scheduled to open in 2015. I had a light dinner and then watched some TV. We still have the AC on.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday July 7, 2013

Weekend Update: Saturday 0730 I am ready to tell Nancy I am off to Bill's when she reminds me that today is dumpster day. The OHNA hires a trash hauler to provide dumpsters and neighbors can throw away all their bulky items. The event starts at 0800 and ends at noon. I decide to load up the C2. We cleaned up both the garage and basement. I made two loads. The car was dirty so I headed to the car wash. After the car wash I headed to the Omelette Shop. I had their oatmeal with all the fixings. When I got home I told Nancy that the trash hauler had a special trailer for electronics and books. We headed downstairs and loaded up about 50 books. It is amazing how much we have thrown away since Dumpster Day started about seven years ago. We are having the Namey's over after dinner tonight so I spent some time cleaning the patio. It was such a nice day that I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. I paddled around the lake a distance of 3.3 miles. It takes a little over an hour. Three new houses are being built on the lake. I am sure they cost at least $2M. At 1715 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Watermark Grill. Watermark is located on a golf course. We sat outside and had a nice meal. Nancy had a sandwich but the rest of us had the walleye. After dinner we gathered at our house for coffee, cheesecake and conversation. It was a great evening. Sunday July 7, we got up at 0655 and got ready for our Sunday swim. The pool has been closed for the past week for cleaning. We expected cold water because the heater has only been on a couple of hours. Actually it was quite pleasant. We both swam for 45'. We ended up at Meijer's for our weekly supply of groceries. Gas today was $3.45. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. We watched some of the Wimbledon finals. I took my Sunday nap and then Ms P and I went on our mile walk. It has been hot and humid the past several days. We might have to turn the AC on. Nancy is grilling burgers for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch some TV before heading upstairs. One of the amazing pieces of technology is the iPhone. As I type this blog I am listening to Merle Haggard on the phone. Occasionally I need to use the dictionary on the phone. I look up the word and the music keeps playing. I also check my calendar and emails.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday July 5, 2013

We did not get home from the Bostwick Lake fireworks until 2300 last night. I did not turn in until 2345. The fireworks party at Tom Appel's was great. We got to talk to some old neighbors, Tom Appel and Tom and Kathy Carnegie. We also got an update from Jim Walters, a retired OHHS teacher. Jim told us that Rick Jensen has adjusted to prison life and thinks that he will spend the rest of his life in the UP prison. His one disappointment was that for budget reasons the prison no longer has a hockey team. It seem weird but the people most disappointed at the discontinuing of hockey were the guards. Hockey let the prisoners let off steam. Nancy had serious foot pain last night so she slept in this morning. I got up at 0700. I did my normal calisthenics and then got on the 5 speed and rode to Ada. I rode 19 miles in 1h43'. After the ride I stopped at the Kava House. I did read several articles on the problems in Egypt. The problems in Turkey, Egypt and Brazil apparently are caused by elected Presidents who think that a victory at the polls allows they to rule as a dictator. That is my take. Am I right? I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch I headed to the MAC. For several weeks I have had a deep groin muscle pull. I thought that if I spent some time in the cold and hot pools it would help get any inflammation down. I don't think this worked. After the MAC I headed to Woodland Mall. I was going to buy a pair of walking shoes but could not find a style I liked. I did stop in the Apple Store but did not stay because the place was jammed. Nancy worked at the Hospital Gift Shop this afternoon. She said that business was slow. Tonight we are staying home. Tomorrow night we are having dinner with the Nameys. It has been a nice summer day. The temperature now, 1800, is 84. This is warmer than both LA and Cupertino. I keep Edinburgh on my iphone's weather app. The temperature hardly every gets to 70. Remember folks get outside and enjoy the summer. In 1938 my 83 year old GGF Sanborn spent the morning working in his garden and the afternoon working in the Ossineke Post Office.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thursday July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July. Nancy and I got up at 0730 and at 0820 headed over to Iroquois to watch the 89th Hollyhock Parade. All our neighbors were in attendance and I thought today's crowd was large. We did attend the ceremony in the alley. Simon Vance served as the Master of Ceremony and did a great job. The speaker today was a local attorney who has been in several local theater productions, Jon March. His daughter was in Missy's class at OHHS. He gave a good and appropriate performance. When the ceremony was over we walked to the Brandywine for breakfast. The place was jammed so we had to wait. After breakfast we walked home. I did take a nap this afternoon. Ms P and I then took a mile walk. I also walked to the PO to mail a bill. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Tom Appel's cottage on Bostwick Lake to watch the fire works. Yesterday I talked about the Battle of Gettysburg ending on 03 July 1863. Did you know that the battle for Vicksburg, MS was won on July 4, 1863? These two victories turned the tide. Another July 4 fact. Both John Adams and Tom Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, 50 years after the signing. On this date in 1962 Ensign R H Scott's Public Works Division won the 4th of July float contest on Midway Island.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday July 3, 2013

Wednesday my easy day! No Breakfast Club, no GRBA meetings I look forward to this day. Unfortunately because of the rain I have to cut the grass today. Bummer! I did pedal to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. My Grandmother Hughes thought that every boy of Scottish ancestry should have oatmeal for breakfast. The only problem was that I started eating oatmeal in 1942 and sugar was rationed. Grandmother would not let me put sugar on the oatmeal because I would use too much. Oatmeal requires a generous serving of sugar. Now that I can put as much sugar as I want I am back eating oatmeal. On my way around Reeds Lake I stopped at GR Bike in Gas Light and had them put air in my tires. I have been using this free service about once a week. I put 120 psi in the tires and by the end of a week the pressure has dropped to 85 psi. It is much easier to ride a bike with 120 psi. When I got home I fired up the lawn mower and starting cutting. Ms P joined me. I spend about 25% of my time throwing her ball. The lawn got the full treatment today. I want our yard looking good for the 4th. After a quick shower Ms P and I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped at D&W to purchase a six pack. Today I bought six 16 ounce Buds for $6, a real bargain. Nancy worked at the Gardens today. She said they were very busy. Tonight we will start the holiday off my having dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. 150 years ago today the Battle of Gettysburg ended. The South took a terrible beating. Eight thousand soldiers lost their lives. This was the turning point for the Civil War.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday July 2, 2013

We had a light rain last night. I was up for good at 0710 today. The pavements were wet and with more rain expected I rode my 5 speed urban bike today. It has better handling on wet pavement. I did not encounter any rain on my ride to the MAC. But I ran outside today and it started to rain hard half way through my 2 mile run. They are cleaning to pool at the MAC so no swimming. I also got wet on my ride to the Kava House. Today I wanted to cut the grass but it looked like the rain would squash my efforts. Instead of eating lunch at home today we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. All we needed were eggs but what else is there to do on a rainy day. Costco had a lot of free samples today. I think it is for all the holiday shoppers. Did you know that Costco is closed on the 4th? I think it is great for a big box store to let their employees have a holiday off. Way to go Costco. I purchased a hot dog. Nancy got the pepsi and I cut the ends of the dog for Ms P. Gas was $3.25 today. Tonight Nancy is fixing me a pork chop with stuffing. I will also have corn on the cob, melon and rhubarb sauce. Am I lucky or what! After dinner I will take Ms P on our mile walk if it is not raining. We get a paper GRP today so I will spent some time reading the paper and watching the news. Just two days to the 4th. When I was a boy we would spent the 4th at a big family picnic at my Grandparent Scott's Hubbard Lake farm. The farm was located on Scott Road, named for my GGF Scott, in Sanborn Twp, named for my GGF Sanborn. We had fried chicken and all sorts of fruits and vegetables from the garden. My Dad and Uncles would make ice cream. The men would play horse shoes and then my grandfather would get out his shot gun out and we would shoot clay pigeons. When I was about 10 or 11 they let me take some shots. My Grandfather liked to play croquet. He set up the wickets in the front lawn and we would all play. I think we had over 30 family members at the picnic. Good memories!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday July 1, 2013

Well the first half of 2013 is over. Time is moving too fast. On the first day of a new quarter I do the following: Start using a new tooth brush, replace razor blades, put in a new contact lens. I sometimes do a quarterly financial study. Anyway welcome to the second half of 13. This morning I got up at 0655. I followed my normal Monday routine except today I ran outside for two miles. This is my longest run of the year. I had no pain so maybe I will continue to run outside. I stopped running outside after my face plant several years ago. Running inside on a 6 lap track was getting very boring. I like to run outside but I am cautious because I don't want to have another face plant. Every Monday I shave my head and face. Today with the new blade I had to be careful because the blade is so sharp. The new fusion blades last 3 months. When I started shaving with a blade they would last one shave. The improvement in shaving technology over the last 60 years has been amazing. Today was a great summer's day. The temperature this morning was in the low 70s. I spent about 90 minutes reading the WSJ this morning. It is interesting to read about problems folks who don't have group health plans are having getting insurance. Nancy and I have a great plan through the teachers but if we had an individual plan with our same carrier, Blue Cross, we would have problems using doctor's or hospitals that our out of network. (did I talk about this issue on a previous blog?) I hope Congress addresses some of these problems. I want to see immigration law passed this year. I think immigrants are good for the country. Most people don't want amnesty for illegals. I just want illegals to be able to get citizenship quickly and with as little pain as possible. How can we fault folks that just want to work and support their families. My Grandfathers Scott and Hughes came to the US because of opportunity. I think they just walked across the border. The mideast is such a mess with the problems in Egypt and Syria. The WSJ had an article about the tribal feuding in Afghanistan as we pull out. We spent trillions for what? I did take Ms P for her mile walk today. Another thing we do on the first day of the month is give Ms P her pills. I was very tired this afternoon so I took a quick nap. We had a light dinner. Nancy cut up a melon today and also made some rhubarb sauce. I had both the rhubarb and melon this evening. Not much on TV this evening but I might watch "Major Crimes" today at 2100. I really like my new MacBook Air but I get confused by the MailBoxes. I am going to schedule a meeting with the Apple Store to have them explain the Mailbox and several other issues. I hope everyone got their 30 in today?