Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I leave the house at 0640 for the 0700 meeting. As usual we had a great breakfast. The attendance was small because I think a lot of members are in warmer climes. The speaker talked about a recent trip to Vietnam. It was not a very good talk but he did show some slides of Danang and Nha Trang. These two cities have become resort areas because of their great beaches. There are multi story resort hotels along the beach. In 1964 two story buildings were rare. The speaker did take the train down the coast and it seems like the railroad is a great way to travel between coastal cities.

After breakfast club I stopped at the Kava House for a chance to read the WSJ and DFP. It rained almost all day yesterday and I hit a heavy shower when I left the Kava House. I got soaked. I changed pants when I got home.

At 1130 I headed to the MAC and a swim. The pool was crowded and I had to share a lane. I swam for 40 minutes. This afternoon I have a GRBA meeting. I left for the meeting after I finished at the MAC. We had a short meeting.

This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden. She asked that I pick up a chicken at Costco. At 1500 I headed to Costco. I also filled the C2 up. Gas was $3.42 per gallon. I stopped at Staples to get ink cartridges for my printer. Ink is expensive.

When I got home Nancy was finishing her preparations for tonight's meeting. Nancy lucked out because Kim came today and cleaned the house. Kim has been sick recently and has missed several cleaning sessions.

I took a short nap. At 1750 Tom Moleski left Linda off and I got in the car and we headed to Uccello's for dinner. I had the spaghetti and meat balls. The food was really good. After dinner we headed home so we could have a piece of Tim's birthday cake. Nancy made a carrot cake and it was good.

After everyone left we read the paper and watched some TV. At 2100 we headed to bed. It has been a busy day for Nancy and Bob.

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