Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday March 2, 2011

It is Wednesday with no Breakfast Club. That means no alarm clock. I got up at 0715. Today is suppose to be another nice day but a big storm is heading our way. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. When I got home I checked my email and talked to our travel agent. We have made up our mind on where we are staying and the route we are taking. We will avoid London because we are leaving the week of the big wedding. I also called Phil Dougherty our crack electrician to schedule his work in the master bathroom. Phil was very accommodating and he will be here tomorrow morning. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam for 40 minutes. Today I wore my swim mask that covers my nose. I think keeping my nose out of the heavily chlorinated water will keep me from being stuffed up for 24 hours after the swim.

After the swim I headed for Gazelle Sports to check on their spring stock. They had not yet put our their spring stock. The same can be said of "Bill and Paul's". I must have premature spring fever. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block. This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden. The Garden should be busy because the butterflies are in.

Tonight was cereal for Bob and Nancy had a TV dinner. We watched the news and read the GRP. Tonight there was a James Taylor/Carole King program on PBS. We watched it and it was quite good. At 2100 we headed to bed.

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