Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday March 8, 2011

Ms P and I were up and outside at 0500. The temperature was a mild 30. This morning I did most of my exercises at home. I like doing my rowing in front of a TV. At the MAC the rowing machines are far removed from any TV. I took a quick shower and then had breakfast. The plumber arrived at 0915 and was done by 1015. After he left I got in the C2 and drove to the MAC. I finished my routine at the MAC.

I had free coffee at the MAC and finished reading the WSJ. I stopped at Home Depot to get some ideas for my kayak rack. I got home about 1310 and had lunch. Nancy got home about 1330. Nancy immediately started making food for tomorrow's book club meeting at our house. I headed upstairs.

This afternoon after writing this blog I will walk to the post office to mail a bill. Tonight is cereal night. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS at 2000. I hope to be in bed by 2100 because I have Breakfast Club at 0700 and a GRBA meeting at 1400. Tom Moleski and I are going out for pizza tomorrow night.

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