Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday March 22, 2011

Ms P and I go out at 0500. It was very pleasant but we have winter storm warning going up today. I got up for good at 0630. I perform my at home routine, shower and then Ms P and I head to the Kava House for coffee. I come immediately home because the contractor who will install the glass block basement windows is due at 0900.

The contractor arrives right on time. While he is working I am sitting in the back room drinking coffee and reading the WSJ and DFP. After I finished the papers I take Ms P on a walk around the block. The contractor finishes around 1330. The glass block windows look great and I think they provide more light than the old windows. They will also provide better insulation.

It started to rain about 1200 so I decided to take the C2 to the MAC. I completed my routine at the MAC by 1530. I stopped at Woodland Mall to look at khaki pants at Eddie Bauer. I also looked at khakis at the Gap. I did not find anything that I liked.

Tonight Nancy is hosting the OHNA Board meeting. She made cookies for the Board members. Ms P and I will stay out of sight. Nancy fixed her homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. We watched the news and read the GRP. At 1930 the OHNA Board meeting started so Ms P and I headed upstairs. We watched NCIS and when the meeting was over I headed downstairs to finish the cookies. We all headed to bed at 2130.

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