Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

We had some thunder storms roll through last night and Ms P went bonkers. I took her outside at 0430 and the rain had stopped. I set my alarm for 0545 so I could get ready for breakfast club. The alarm went off and I got up and turned it off. I thought I would recline for a few more minutes. Nancy had to wake me at 0625. I really had to hustle to make the 0700 meeting. Once again the attendance was very sparse. It could be because of the storm last night. Some parts of GR were without power. In fact the roads in northern Kent County were ice covered.

I stopped at the Kava House after Breakfast Club to read the newspapers. I left about 1030. Kim was suppose to come and clean today but the roads in Kent City were too bad for her to get in to GR. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam 1400 yards.

It is now 1444 and I am in my office paying bills and waiting for the plumber to come and fix the leak in our new toilet. Stay tuned.

The plumber arrives at 1530 and fixes the leak. I decide to take a short nap. Nancy gets home about 1700 from Meijer Gardens. I check on the toilet and it is not leaking.

Tonight is cereal night. We watch the evening news and read the GRP. The GRP had some data from the recent census. The city of GR had a population loss but Kent County and the surrounding counties all had significant gains. The city of Detroit had a big loss. When I was growing up Detroit had a population over 1.5 million. It currently has 700,000 folks. Michigan is the only state to lose population over the last decade. My hometown and all of northeast MI also lost population.

Nancy headed to bed at 2100. She checked the toilet and found that it was leaking. What is the problem?

Today was windy and cold with a lot of freezing rain. It was a yucky day. On a happier note the sun will shine tomorrow.

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