Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday March 19, 2011

I was the first one up today. I got in the Taurus and headed to the Kava House. I had coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. I also had a scone. When I got home everyone was up. Today Nancy and I are taking AJ to the butterfly exhibit at Meijer Garden. Nancy was told to get there when it opens at 0900 because they are expecting a big crowd. We arrived at 0900 and got right in. The exhibit was great and AJ thoroughly enjoyed herself. After we saw the butterflies we walked around the children's area. Nancy and I walked but AJ ran everywhere. She has a lot of energy. When we left we noticed big lines waiting to get in. We got home in time for AJ to have a quick lunch and then take a nap.

I started installing the new shade and old towel rack but found out I needed some additional supplies. I headed to Rylee's and they found all the items I needed. Back home I installed the shade and towel rack. Tonight we will test the shade to see how opaque it is.

At 1530 I shaved and got dressed. Today we have an appointment to get our pictures taken at Penney's. Missy had a coupon and she wanted photos of AJ with her grandparents. Penney's photo shop was jammed. I was glad we had an appointment. They did a great job on the photos and we purchased almost all the shots. Stay tuned.

We had dinner at Arnie's in Eastbrook. The food was good. When we got home I finished reading the GRP. When it got dark we had Nancy head upstairs and turn the light on in the master bathroom and Missy and I will check the new shade. We could not see anything. The moon was not yet out but about 2100 we headed outside to see the supermoon. It was big but because it was cloudy I did not think it was a bright as last night.

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