Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday March 27, 2011

Weekend Report for last weekend in March, 2011:

Friday March 25, 2011: It was very cold this morning, high teens. However, the weatherman said it will be sunny. I did my at home routine and then bundled up and pedaled to the MAC. It was cold but very sunny so who could complain. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I read both the WSJ and DFP. The situation in the Middle East seems to have replaced the Japanese nuclear disaster as the number one story. I got home about 1300. The plumber is expected to arrive at 1500 to fix the leak. However, he called at 1300 and said he was on his way. It took him about 15 minutes to fix the leak.

After the plumber left we all got in the Taurus and took our tax statements to the accountant. We then headed to Costco in Grandville. This was the first time we had been to this Costco and we both thought that it had a better layout than the 28th St store. We got home about 1630. I took a short nap. After the nap we took our Groupon coupon and visited a new Creole restaurant on Wealthy in Eastown. I had the shrimp gumbo and it was very good. They have a thermal index with 10 being very hot. I chose 3 and thought it was hot. I would never select 10.

We watched the news and read the GRP. We headed upstairs at 2100.

Saturday March 26, 2011: It is going to be another beautiful day. Ms P and I went out at 0500 and saw stars and a very bright moon. I finally got up at 0700. It is still cold, 19⁰, so I bundled up for my ride to Bill's. It was the coldest bike ride of the year. I wore mittens but my hands got very cold. I had Bill's super special. The DFP was not available on my Kindle this morning so I read the WSJ from cover to cover.

I have some strong feelings on several current events. I think our new Gov is doing the right thing. However, he has been savagely attached by the unions. He wants to tax pensions. Mi is one of only 4 states that do not tax pensions. I think us old folks should not be excluded from paying our share. The exemption on pensions was a stupid move in the first place. I am against our military being involved in the Middle East. I think all the troops should be brought home. We don't have a clue about what we are doing. I generally don't like the policies of our President. However, I cannot think of a suitable replacement. Where did the republicans get all those clowns? Do they teach Civics in school anymore?

After breakfast I did some cleanup chores around the house. Nancy helped me put all but one of the snow shovels in the garage rafters. I brought the bird feeder in for the year. We inspected the glass block windows we had installed in the basement. We are very happy with this work. I am also happy to report that the new toilet is not leaking.

For dinner tonight we headed to Gaslight Village. We ate at Olga's. We watched Harry's Law and Law and Order, LA before going to bed.

Sunday March 27, 2011. Today is suppose to be another sunny day. It is still cold. The temperature was 22⁰ when we headed to the MAC. We both swam 45 minutes. We made our Sunday trek to Meijer's for supplies. I filled up the Taurus. Gas was $3.54.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap. Some things never change. After the nap I pedaled around Reed's Lake. It is exactly 7 miles. We had soup and hot dogs for dinner. We watched 60 minutes and finished the GRP. Everyone was in bed by 2130

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