Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday March 15, 2011

March 15, the Ides of March, I don't know why I remember this date but I do. Ms P and I have our schedule all screwed up. We did not get up until 0610. We overslept by one hour. I stayed up and started my at home routine right away. I was done and showered by 0730. The painter arrived at 0800.

After talking to the painter I got on the retro and headed to the MAC. The MAC was nearly empty. I was done before 1000. I headed home to see what progress the painter had made. He was moving right along. I got back on the C2 and headed to the Kava House. The Kava House was also empty. I read the WSJ and DFP. Japan still dominates the news. I got home at 1230.

The painter was just finishing up. We have the windows open and a blower going to dry the paint and dissipate the odors. I forgot to mention that not only are we getting the master bedroom done but we are getting some repair work done in the kid's bathroom. The kid's bathroom had some damaged plaster so it was patched and then repainted.

I was very tired this morning so I took a short nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block. This afternoon I am getting my AT bike ready for the biking season. I will put on the new speedometer and blow up the tires. This evening Nancy and I are going to Panera Bread for dinner. It is a cloudy and cool day so a bowl of soup will taste good. I hope to get back in time for NCIS.

We got back in time to see a rerun of NCIS. We headed to bed at 2100.

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