Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday March 16, 2011

Wednesday my easy day, no exercise, or other planned activities. I got up for good about 0730. I waited for the painter to arrive. He arrived at exactly 0800. Today is his last day of painting. He plans on being done before noon. He will let the paint dry today and tomorrow he will come in and replace the fixtures and remove the masking tape. I will call the plumber later today and ask if he can put in the toilet and sink Friday.

For breakfast this morning I got on the AT. first time this year for the AT, and pedaled to Bill's. I had their breakfast special of eggs, hash browns, sausage and toast. I also had time to read the WSJ and DFP. When I got home the painter was just finishing.

Nancy has to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I got back on the AT and went swimming at the MAC. I swam for 40 minutes. When I got home I took Ms P around the block. Presently I am checking email and writing this blog. It is 1537 EDT.

2048 Thursday: It took awhile to get back to Wednesday's blog. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading the installation and operations manual for my cateye speedometer. I finally figured it out. I put it on the AT and took the bike for a spin. The speedometer worked just like they said it would.

Tonight is cereal night. We read the paper and watched some TV. At 2100 we headed to bed.

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