Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday March 5, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0510. After we completed our routine it was back to bed. I did not get up until 0750. It was raining this morning so I got in the C2 and headed to Bill's. I had their pancake special and read the WSJ and DFP. It started to snow about 0830 but it was not sticking. I got home at 1000. Nancy had arrived just before me. Our washing machine is chattering when on the spin cycle. This morning we are going to try and level the machine. I got out my level and crescent wrench and started to work. We got is leveled and tightened the leveling screws and hoped for the best.

I spent some time in the office checking email, etc. About 1330 I took Ms P on her walk around the block. I then walked to the post office to mail some letters. I took the long way home so I could get 5 miles in.

1500 and Nancy has run several loads of laundry with no chattering from the washer. It is a dark dreary afternoon. I just ordered some river driver shirts from LL Bean. I am also catching up on some reading. Tonight we are going to Russ's for dinner.

1620: I just went downstairs and watched the end of the UM/MSU basketball game. UM won and I think this is the first time in years that UM has won both games. Basketball was not big at UM when I was in school. In fact I cannot name a player on the 1960 UM team but I can name three on the Ohio State team.

I had Russ's hot turkey sandwich. Sometimes us Midwest boys need our white bread, mashed potatoes and gravy. We watched a little TV and headed to bed at 2100.

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