Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday March 21, 2011

Today is the day for my big colon test. I am up at 0616 so I can take a shower. Nancy and I left home at 0655 and get to the doctor's office by 0710. We are early but after signing some papers, Nancy and I are directed into the preparation room. I must put on one of those terrible hospital gowns. I get wired up. I am wheeled into the test room right on time. The doctor talks to me for 30 seconds and then I am given some sleeping juice. It works because I am out immediately. Next thing I know I am in the recovery room looking at Nancy. Nancy was talking to the nurse who was Sandy Havenga. Sandy was the daughter of our landlord when we rented a duplex on Madison from 1968 till our move in 1973. She use to babysit Debbie and Missy. They told me I passed the test.

We stopped at the Kava House on the way home. Nancy fixed AJ some waffles for breakfast. They looked so good I had some too. I also had a poached egg. World famous of course. Tomorrow the glass block folks come to block up our basement windows. I start clearing a path to the windows (no easy task). Nancy and Missy soon join me and before you know it we are tossing boxes of goodies. I start putting the things we want to throw away in GR garbage bags. After we complete this task, Missy and AJ start packing for their trip back to Ohio. It was a sad goodbye. Nancy and I enjoyed their stay.

We have some errands to run so we all get in the Taurus. Nancy has to drive. We first head to Mr Thang's to get some buttons put on my retro topcoat. This is a topcoat that Nana gave me in the 70s. I love it. We then head to Bed, Bath and Beyond to look for a storage stand for the master bedroom. We did not find one. Next stop is 53rd to make a deposit. Our final stop is D&W to get some fruit and yogurt. After all this I take a nap.

Nancy fixed scrambled eggs and ham for dinner. It tasted great. We watched the news and watched some TV. At 2138 we headed to bed.

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