Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday March 12, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0630. Nancy bounces right out of bed because she has an early class at the MAC. I linger. The sun was coming out when I got on the retro and pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. I had their pancake special. After breakfast I decided that I better get a bike ride in now because it looks like it will rain soon. I pedaled around Reed's Lake. When I got home I took Ms P around the block.

Today my chore is too wash the walls in the master bathroom. The painter is coming Monday so in addition to cleaning the walls I had to remove two towel racks and the shutters. It took about 90 minutes to complete this chore. I had a quick lunch and now I am starting this blog. I will take a short nap and then get ready to go out for dinner. Tonight we are meeting the Namey's at the Sundance for dinner. We will have dessert at their house.

We left home for the Sundance at 1730. Nancy and I like dinner with the Namey's. Tonight was no exception. Ed Namey is five days older than I am and we both graduated from UM in January 1961. After dinner we retired to the Namey's for a dessert of ice cream and cookies. Nancy and I got home about 2130. We must reset our clocks tomorrow.

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