Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday March 17, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day. On my calendar this is the first day of spring. In fact it was very warm today. The temperature at 2050 is 63⁰. This year I am attending my 55th Alpena HS reunion. On St Patrick's Day in 1956, my senior year, I and several friends were invited by Jerry Kendzorski to his house for a St Pats party. There were about six of us. Jerry was class president and will always be remembered for catching the touchdown pass with time running out to win the Flint Central game. Much to our surprise Jerry's mother had purchased some green beer for the party. This was the first time an adult had purchased beer for us. We also had baloney sandwiches. The baloney and bread were also green. It was a great party.

This morning Ms P and I went out at 0500. It was already in the 50s. I got up at 0630 and hurried to get my exercises done by 0800. I accomplished my goal. The painter arrived at 0800. I left for the MAC at 0830 and was finished by 1000. I pedaled right home and checked on Ms P and the finished bathroom. It looks real good. Tomorrow the plumber will come to install the toilet and sink.

I got a call from my eye doctor that my sport glasses were ready so I got in the C2 and headed downtown. After the eye doctor I stopped by Meijer's to buy some supplies for my preparation for my colonoscopy. I will have the test done Monday morning but must first purge the system. No food on Sunday. The preparation is worse than the test.

Nancy attended a luncheon this afternoon. We both got home about the same time. Nancy wanted a new shower head for the master bathroom. We all piled in the Taurus and headed to Rylee's. We got a new energy efficient ,5 setting showerhead. We had dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the shepherd's pie to celebrate my Irish heritage. It was very good. We got home in time to watch the news. We read the GRP and watched part of the UW/Belmont BB game. I headed upstairs at 2030 to write this blog. Spring is here!

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