Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday March 20, 2011

March 20 and I think this is the official first day of Spring. The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy and I get up and ready to head to the MAC. We arrived on time and we both swam for 45 minutes. Today we are going to Meijer's. When we got home Nancy started breakfast and Missy and I headed to the Kava House for coffee. I cannot eat today so I took a 3.3 mile walk. After the walk I headed upstairs for a nap.

Our toilet is still leaking but it seem to have slowed down considerably. At 1500 I started my cleansing procedure. It is not pleasant. It is now 1630 and Nancy and AJ went shopping, Missy is relaxing and I am writing this blog.

I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that we Skyped with Debbie yesterday. She has the new version of Skype. Everyone had an opportunity to talk with Debbie. Skype is a great piece of software. All the seniors I know use Skype to talk with their Grandkids.

1744 Monday: It was a quiet evening at home. Nancy, Missy and AJ had a quick dinner and then we watched some TV. I finished the GRP and at 2200 headed to bed.

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