Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday March 1, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0500 and guess what; no snow to shovel. It was cold but clear. The temperature is going to get up into the 40s. This means March came in like a lamb. Nancy and I left for the MAC at 0740. I did my thing and then drank coffee and read the WSJ and DFP at Breton Village.

The walk home was very pleasant. It was sunny and not a cloud in the sky. After lunch I checked some email and played on the computer. Later I picked up Ms P and we ran some errands. I stopped at the credit union and 53rd banks. My final stop was at Rylee's. I exchanged some rod tips for Nancy and purchased some supplies for the kayak rack. As I walked in the door Nancy said I had a phone call. It was Peggy at the travel agency. She gave us some options for our Scotland trip. Nancy and I talked it over and we decided on the option we liked. We will call tomorrow and make our reservations.

Tonight Nancy is fixing a shrimp gumbo. It smells good. We will watch the news, read the GRP and then watch NCIS before heading to bed.

It was 50 years ago March that I finally made up my mind on my military obligation. I ruled out going to Army or Air Force OCS because their minimum term was four years. I could not get in the Marines because my eyes were too bad. My remaining options were going to Navy OCS and becoming an officer in the Navy's Civil Engineering Corps or being drafted and serve two years as a grunt. The Navy tour was three years and the Army was two years. However my time in the Navy would count towards getting my engineer's license. The Army time would not count. It was a no-brainer the Navy won hands down. I headed to the Navy recruiter and took the required exams and physical. I flunked the eye exam but they gave me an exemption for the Civil Engineering Corps.

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