Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday March 14, 2011

I heard the Grandfather Clock ring 0400. I knew Nancy had not changed it to DST. Ms P and I got up and headed outside. I looked at my watch and found out it was really 0400. Nancy had changed the time on the grandfather clock. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0710. I was late because the painter is coming at 0800. I hustled to get my exercises done before the painter arrived. I was 10 minutes late. However, we had left the door open so he started moving in. The painter, Randy, has worked in our house before.

After finding out the painter's schedule I got on the retro and pedaled to the MAC. It was about 25⁰ but I had dressed properly. I completed my busy Monday program in record time. I pedaled back home and Nancy beat me by 2 minutes. The painter was making good progress. He had to let some plaster dry so he would leave early today. I got back on the retro and headed to the Kava House. I read both the GRP and WSJ. Today's papers were heavy on the disaster in Japan. What happened to Libya?

I got home about 1330. I had a quick lunch. Nancy had lunch with some retired teachers at Rose's. After lunch I got in the C2 and started to run some errands. My first stop was the Ada Bike shop on Fulton. The now have a branch in GR. I purchased a speedometer for my bike. It is the same kind that Missy uses. After the bike shop I headed to Rylee's. I purchased some paint for our cabinet. I will paint the inside of the cabinet today. At 1600 Michigan Glass Block stopped by to give us an estimate to replace out basement windows with glass block. This action will make the basement warmer and more secure. The alarm installer recommended putting in the glass block.

Monday night is cereal night. I finished Nancy's sandwich from lunch and ate a bowl of mini-wheat's. We watched the news and at 2000 watched House. At 2100, EDT, we headed to bed.

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