Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday March 28, 2011

It was another cold clear morning. It was 19⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0430. I got up at 0710 and left for the MAC at 0900. I was way behind schedule. But who needs a schedule when you are retired. It takes me about 30 extra minutes on Mondays to complete my routine at the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I got there at 1200 and left at 1300. I read both the WSJ and DFP but did not find any article that struck my fancy.

After lunch I got in the C2 and headed to the UPS store to see about mailing an oversize package. I was in shock at how much it cost. In order to put me in a better mood I bought a 6 pack of Bell's Oberon. My next stop was the US Post Office on Lake Drive. They said it would cost 1/2 the cost of UPS to mail the oversize package. I then stopped at Rylee's to buy some GR yard waste bags. I saw a neat M long sleeve tee shirt at the MAC this morning. I asked the owner where he purchased it. He said Kohl's. I stopped at Kohl's and they did not have the shirt.

It was such a bright sunny day that I started raking the front yard. I finished the planter strip and then the east front yard. Tonight Nancy is fixing scrambled eggs. We are getting tired of cereal.

We watched the news and then the President's address to the nation. Is it just me or do all President's addresses sound the same? After the President we watched a rerun of House.

The stars are out tonight. In fact the stars have been out almost every night for the past week. The robins are a sure sign of Spring. I think another sign of Spring is the noise of woodpeckers working in the morning. Our neighborhood is overrun with woodpeckers.

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