Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday March 7, 2011

Monday morning and the start of a busy week for Bob and Nancy. Ms P and I are up at 0500 and then quickly back to bed. It was 17⁰ this morning. I got up for real at 0700. Nancy and I left for the MAC at 0740. I completed my busy Monday schedule by 1015. I walked over to Breton Village Mall, bought a coffee, and sat in the common area and read the WSJ and DFP. I did not get done reading until 1210. My walk home was very pleasant. The temperature had risen to 30⁰ and it was bright and sunny.

I had a quick lunch and then I had Nancy help me oil the chain on my rowing machine. Tomorrow we are having a plumber come by to remove the toilet and sink from the master bathroom. I made room for Nancy in the kid's bathroom.

At 1730 I got in the C2 and drove to Belding. Ryan Worden's Mother passed away last Friday. Ryan is a nice young engineer who works for SCECO. I visited the funereal home to pay my respects. The place was packed an indication that Ryan's Mother was as nice as he was. For dinner I stopped at a Burger King along the way for a couple of hamburgers.

When I got home I drank my Guinness and read the GRP. The GRP has been writing a number of articles about the young Fennville HS basketball player who made the winning shot in overtime to give the team an undefeated season. After making the shot he had a fatal heart attack. It was very tragic.

Nancy and I watched House and at 2100 headed to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow because the plumber is coming tomorrow morning to remove the old sink and toilet in the master bathroom. I am getting repetitive.

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