Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday March 30, 2011

Wednesday is my easy day. Ms P and I went out at 0445 and then I got up for good at 0700. I got on my AT bike and headed to Bill's. I had their pancake special. After breakfast I got in the C2 and headed to Rylee's. I was going dumpster diving. The check out girl said that on Wednesday morning the dumpster is loaded with cardboard boxes from Tuesday's delivery. I checked and the dumpster was empty.

Nancy and I checked again the basement to see if we had a box so we could ship a birthday present to LB. We have two pieces to ship and we found 1 box that would work. Nancy then went to the Hospital to check the see if the Gift Shop had any boxes. She found one that would work. Kim came today to clean the house so I wanted to get out of her way. At 1130 I headed to the MAC for a swim. I swam 1000 yards.

After a quick lunch I started raking the back yard. I completed my raking at 1700. I must say the yard looks good. It is amazing how much dead grass and leaves I rake each spring. I am glad this annual chore is complete.

Nancy fixed pork chops and dressing for dinner. It was really good. Like last night I fell asleep watching the news. We watched some TV and at 2100 headed to bed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday March 29, 2011

It was another cold clear morning. The temperature was in the high teens. Instead of rowing my usual 5k this morning I rowed 15'. I had some heavy raking to do in the afternoon and I did not want to get too tired. On these clear spring mornings the sun is so bright that traveling east can be hazardous.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I arrived at 1130 and it usually take an hour to read the papers. After lunch I started on my most difficult yard chore, raking the front yard hill. I started about 1400 and I was done at 1730. I was totally exhausted.

Nancy had to work at the Garden's tonight so I was on my own for dinner. I had cereal. Maybe I should learn to cook. After dinner I sat down to watch the evening news and fell asleep. I sleep for one hour.

Nancy got home about 2030 and joined me for the second half of NCIS. Did you know that in my 3.33 years in the USN I never heard of NCIS. We watched the start of NCIS, LA and then headed to bed. Tomorrow I finish the lawn.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday March 28, 2011

It was another cold clear morning. It was 19⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0430. I got up at 0710 and left for the MAC at 0900. I was way behind schedule. But who needs a schedule when you are retired. It takes me about 30 extra minutes on Mondays to complete my routine at the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I got there at 1200 and left at 1300. I read both the WSJ and DFP but did not find any article that struck my fancy.

After lunch I got in the C2 and headed to the UPS store to see about mailing an oversize package. I was in shock at how much it cost. In order to put me in a better mood I bought a 6 pack of Bell's Oberon. My next stop was the US Post Office on Lake Drive. They said it would cost 1/2 the cost of UPS to mail the oversize package. I then stopped at Rylee's to buy some GR yard waste bags. I saw a neat M long sleeve tee shirt at the MAC this morning. I asked the owner where he purchased it. He said Kohl's. I stopped at Kohl's and they did not have the shirt.

It was such a bright sunny day that I started raking the front yard. I finished the planter strip and then the east front yard. Tonight Nancy is fixing scrambled eggs. We are getting tired of cereal.

We watched the news and then the President's address to the nation. Is it just me or do all President's addresses sound the same? After the President we watched a rerun of House.

The stars are out tonight. In fact the stars have been out almost every night for the past week. The robins are a sure sign of Spring. I think another sign of Spring is the noise of woodpeckers working in the morning. Our neighborhood is overrun with woodpeckers.

Sunday March 27, 2011

Weekend Report for last weekend in March, 2011:

Friday March 25, 2011: It was very cold this morning, high teens. However, the weatherman said it will be sunny. I did my at home routine and then bundled up and pedaled to the MAC. It was cold but very sunny so who could complain. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I read both the WSJ and DFP. The situation in the Middle East seems to have replaced the Japanese nuclear disaster as the number one story. I got home about 1300. The plumber is expected to arrive at 1500 to fix the leak. However, he called at 1300 and said he was on his way. It took him about 15 minutes to fix the leak.

After the plumber left we all got in the Taurus and took our tax statements to the accountant. We then headed to Costco in Grandville. This was the first time we had been to this Costco and we both thought that it had a better layout than the 28th St store. We got home about 1630. I took a short nap. After the nap we took our Groupon coupon and visited a new Creole restaurant on Wealthy in Eastown. I had the shrimp gumbo and it was very good. They have a thermal index with 10 being very hot. I chose 3 and thought it was hot. I would never select 10.

We watched the news and read the GRP. We headed upstairs at 2100.

Saturday March 26, 2011: It is going to be another beautiful day. Ms P and I went out at 0500 and saw stars and a very bright moon. I finally got up at 0700. It is still cold, 19⁰, so I bundled up for my ride to Bill's. It was the coldest bike ride of the year. I wore mittens but my hands got very cold. I had Bill's super special. The DFP was not available on my Kindle this morning so I read the WSJ from cover to cover.

I have some strong feelings on several current events. I think our new Gov is doing the right thing. However, he has been savagely attached by the unions. He wants to tax pensions. Mi is one of only 4 states that do not tax pensions. I think us old folks should not be excluded from paying our share. The exemption on pensions was a stupid move in the first place. I am against our military being involved in the Middle East. I think all the troops should be brought home. We don't have a clue about what we are doing. I generally don't like the policies of our President. However, I cannot think of a suitable replacement. Where did the republicans get all those clowns? Do they teach Civics in school anymore?

After breakfast I did some cleanup chores around the house. Nancy helped me put all but one of the snow shovels in the garage rafters. I brought the bird feeder in for the year. We inspected the glass block windows we had installed in the basement. We are very happy with this work. I am also happy to report that the new toilet is not leaking.

For dinner tonight we headed to Gaslight Village. We ate at Olga's. We watched Harry's Law and Law and Order, LA before going to bed.

Sunday March 27, 2011. Today is suppose to be another sunny day. It is still cold. The temperature was 22⁰ when we headed to the MAC. We both swam 45 minutes. We made our Sunday trek to Meijer's for supplies. I filled up the Taurus. Gas was $3.54.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap. Some things never change. After the nap I pedaled around Reed's Lake. It is exactly 7 miles. We had soup and hot dogs for dinner. We watched 60 minutes and finished the GRP. Everyone was in bed by 2130

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thursday March 24, 2011

It got very cold last night. When I went out at 0500 we had a light dusting of snow covering everything. I decided not to take my bike to the MAC today because of the ice. Instead I walked. I was surprised that every tree had a thin coat of ice on all their branches. The sidewalks were slippery so I walked gingerly. It took me 50' to walk.

After the MAC I stopped at Breton Village Mall to drink my morning coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. I got home about 1330. My eye doctor called and said that my backup pair of glasses were ready. I drove downtown to pick them up. On my way home I stopped at D&W in Gaslight Village to get some coffee filters and beer. I bought some 1888 Bock beer.

Nancy and I sat down at the dining room table and sorted through all our financial papers for 2010. Tomorrow I will take this material to our accountant so he can get our taxes done. Tonight we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the lamb stew in a sourdough bread bowl. It was great.

Not much on TV so we watched some basketball until 2100. I also watched a Charles Bronson movie on the western channel. It was very entertaining. After the movie I headed upstairs.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

We had some thunder storms roll through last night and Ms P went bonkers. I took her outside at 0430 and the rain had stopped. I set my alarm for 0545 so I could get ready for breakfast club. The alarm went off and I got up and turned it off. I thought I would recline for a few more minutes. Nancy had to wake me at 0625. I really had to hustle to make the 0700 meeting. Once again the attendance was very sparse. It could be because of the storm last night. Some parts of GR were without power. In fact the roads in northern Kent County were ice covered.

I stopped at the Kava House after Breakfast Club to read the newspapers. I left about 1030. Kim was suppose to come and clean today but the roads in Kent City were too bad for her to get in to GR. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam 1400 yards.

It is now 1444 and I am in my office paying bills and waiting for the plumber to come and fix the leak in our new toilet. Stay tuned.

The plumber arrives at 1530 and fixes the leak. I decide to take a short nap. Nancy gets home about 1700 from Meijer Gardens. I check on the toilet and it is not leaking.

Tonight is cereal night. We watch the evening news and read the GRP. The GRP had some data from the recent census. The city of GR had a population loss but Kent County and the surrounding counties all had significant gains. The city of Detroit had a big loss. When I was growing up Detroit had a population over 1.5 million. It currently has 700,000 folks. Michigan is the only state to lose population over the last decade. My hometown and all of northeast MI also lost population.

Nancy headed to bed at 2100. She checked the toilet and found that it was leaking. What is the problem?

Today was windy and cold with a lot of freezing rain. It was a yucky day. On a happier note the sun will shine tomorrow.

Tuesday March 22, 2011

Ms P and I go out at 0500. It was very pleasant but we have winter storm warning going up today. I got up for good at 0630. I perform my at home routine, shower and then Ms P and I head to the Kava House for coffee. I come immediately home because the contractor who will install the glass block basement windows is due at 0900.

The contractor arrives right on time. While he is working I am sitting in the back room drinking coffee and reading the WSJ and DFP. After I finished the papers I take Ms P on a walk around the block. The contractor finishes around 1330. The glass block windows look great and I think they provide more light than the old windows. They will also provide better insulation.

It started to rain about 1200 so I decided to take the C2 to the MAC. I completed my routine at the MAC by 1530. I stopped at Woodland Mall to look at khaki pants at Eddie Bauer. I also looked at khakis at the Gap. I did not find anything that I liked.

Tonight Nancy is hosting the OHNA Board meeting. She made cookies for the Board members. Ms P and I will stay out of sight. Nancy fixed her homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. We watched the news and read the GRP. At 1930 the OHNA Board meeting started so Ms P and I headed upstairs. We watched NCIS and when the meeting was over I headed downstairs to finish the cookies. We all headed to bed at 2130.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday March 21, 2011

Today is the day for my big colon test. I am up at 0616 so I can take a shower. Nancy and I left home at 0655 and get to the doctor's office by 0710. We are early but after signing some papers, Nancy and I are directed into the preparation room. I must put on one of those terrible hospital gowns. I get wired up. I am wheeled into the test room right on time. The doctor talks to me for 30 seconds and then I am given some sleeping juice. It works because I am out immediately. Next thing I know I am in the recovery room looking at Nancy. Nancy was talking to the nurse who was Sandy Havenga. Sandy was the daughter of our landlord when we rented a duplex on Madison from 1968 till our move in 1973. She use to babysit Debbie and Missy. They told me I passed the test.

We stopped at the Kava House on the way home. Nancy fixed AJ some waffles for breakfast. They looked so good I had some too. I also had a poached egg. World famous of course. Tomorrow the glass block folks come to block up our basement windows. I start clearing a path to the windows (no easy task). Nancy and Missy soon join me and before you know it we are tossing boxes of goodies. I start putting the things we want to throw away in GR garbage bags. After we complete this task, Missy and AJ start packing for their trip back to Ohio. It was a sad goodbye. Nancy and I enjoyed their stay.

We have some errands to run so we all get in the Taurus. Nancy has to drive. We first head to Mr Thang's to get some buttons put on my retro topcoat. This is a topcoat that Nana gave me in the 70s. I love it. We then head to Bed, Bath and Beyond to look for a storage stand for the master bedroom. We did not find one. Next stop is 53rd to make a deposit. Our final stop is D&W to get some fruit and yogurt. After all this I take a nap.

Nancy fixed scrambled eggs and ham for dinner. It tasted great. We watched the news and watched some TV. At 2138 we headed to bed.

Sunday March 20, 2011

March 20 and I think this is the official first day of Spring. The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy and I get up and ready to head to the MAC. We arrived on time and we both swam for 45 minutes. Today we are going to Meijer's. When we got home Nancy started breakfast and Missy and I headed to the Kava House for coffee. I cannot eat today so I took a 3.3 mile walk. After the walk I headed upstairs for a nap.

Our toilet is still leaking but it seem to have slowed down considerably. At 1500 I started my cleansing procedure. It is not pleasant. It is now 1630 and Nancy and AJ went shopping, Missy is relaxing and I am writing this blog.

I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that we Skyped with Debbie yesterday. She has the new version of Skype. Everyone had an opportunity to talk with Debbie. Skype is a great piece of software. All the seniors I know use Skype to talk with their Grandkids.

1744 Monday: It was a quiet evening at home. Nancy, Missy and AJ had a quick dinner and then we watched some TV. I finished the GRP and at 2200 headed to bed.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday March 19, 2011

I was the first one up today. I got in the Taurus and headed to the Kava House. I had coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. I also had a scone. When I got home everyone was up. Today Nancy and I are taking AJ to the butterfly exhibit at Meijer Garden. Nancy was told to get there when it opens at 0900 because they are expecting a big crowd. We arrived at 0900 and got right in. The exhibit was great and AJ thoroughly enjoyed herself. After we saw the butterflies we walked around the children's area. Nancy and I walked but AJ ran everywhere. She has a lot of energy. When we left we noticed big lines waiting to get in. We got home in time for AJ to have a quick lunch and then take a nap.

I started installing the new shade and old towel rack but found out I needed some additional supplies. I headed to Rylee's and they found all the items I needed. Back home I installed the shade and towel rack. Tonight we will test the shade to see how opaque it is.

At 1530 I shaved and got dressed. Today we have an appointment to get our pictures taken at Penney's. Missy had a coupon and she wanted photos of AJ with her grandparents. Penney's photo shop was jammed. I was glad we had an appointment. They did a great job on the photos and we purchased almost all the shots. Stay tuned.

We had dinner at Arnie's in Eastbrook. The food was good. When we got home I finished reading the GRP. When it got dark we had Nancy head upstairs and turn the light on in the master bathroom and Missy and I will check the new shade. We could not see anything. The moon was not yet out but about 2100 we headed outside to see the supermoon. It was big but because it was cloudy I did not think it was a bright as last night.

Friday March 18, 2011

Friday morning and I followed my springtime at home routine. I am not going to the MAC today until the plumber finishes installing the toilet and sink. The plumber arrives at 0900 and finishes at 1130. The bathroom looks good. I will have to install the window shade to make the bathroom fully useable. I completed my Friday routine at the MAC and pedaled right home.

We have a lot of cardboard packing crates that came with the bathroom fixtures. I cut them up and headed to the recycle center in Kentwood. The center closes at 1600 and I arrived at 1606 but the gate was open so I unloaded the C2. I was surprised at how much cardboard we had. It took 15 minutes to get unloaded.

This afternoon Nancy found a problem with the new toilet. It had a slight leak. I checked and sure enough we had a leak. I put a small bowl under the leak. I will call the plumber on Monday.

Missy and AJ are scheduled to arrive in GR later this evening. Nancy and I had a bowl of her homemade chicken noodle soup. It was very good. We watched TV and read until Missy arrived a little after 2200. We said our hellos and then headed to bed. Everyone was tired.

Lately we have been having a very bright full moon. Tonight was no exception. I guess the super moon is schedule for Saturday night. It looked pretty super to me tonight.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday March 17, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day. On my calendar this is the first day of spring. In fact it was very warm today. The temperature at 2050 is 63⁰. This year I am attending my 55th Alpena HS reunion. On St Patrick's Day in 1956, my senior year, I and several friends were invited by Jerry Kendzorski to his house for a St Pats party. There were about six of us. Jerry was class president and will always be remembered for catching the touchdown pass with time running out to win the Flint Central game. Much to our surprise Jerry's mother had purchased some green beer for the party. This was the first time an adult had purchased beer for us. We also had baloney sandwiches. The baloney and bread were also green. It was a great party.

This morning Ms P and I went out at 0500. It was already in the 50s. I got up at 0630 and hurried to get my exercises done by 0800. I accomplished my goal. The painter arrived at 0800. I left for the MAC at 0830 and was finished by 1000. I pedaled right home and checked on Ms P and the finished bathroom. It looks real good. Tomorrow the plumber will come to install the toilet and sink.

I got a call from my eye doctor that my sport glasses were ready so I got in the C2 and headed downtown. After the eye doctor I stopped by Meijer's to buy some supplies for my preparation for my colonoscopy. I will have the test done Monday morning but must first purge the system. No food on Sunday. The preparation is worse than the test.

Nancy attended a luncheon this afternoon. We both got home about the same time. Nancy wanted a new shower head for the master bathroom. We all piled in the Taurus and headed to Rylee's. We got a new energy efficient ,5 setting showerhead. We had dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the shepherd's pie to celebrate my Irish heritage. It was very good. We got home in time to watch the news. We read the GRP and watched part of the UW/Belmont BB game. I headed upstairs at 2030 to write this blog. Spring is here!

Wednesday March 16, 2011

Wednesday my easy day, no exercise, or other planned activities. I got up for good about 0730. I waited for the painter to arrive. He arrived at exactly 0800. Today is his last day of painting. He plans on being done before noon. He will let the paint dry today and tomorrow he will come in and replace the fixtures and remove the masking tape. I will call the plumber later today and ask if he can put in the toilet and sink Friday.

For breakfast this morning I got on the AT. first time this year for the AT, and pedaled to Bill's. I had their breakfast special of eggs, hash browns, sausage and toast. I also had time to read the WSJ and DFP. When I got home the painter was just finishing.

Nancy has to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I got back on the AT and went swimming at the MAC. I swam for 40 minutes. When I got home I took Ms P around the block. Presently I am checking email and writing this blog. It is 1537 EDT.

2048 Thursday: It took awhile to get back to Wednesday's blog. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading the installation and operations manual for my cateye speedometer. I finally figured it out. I put it on the AT and took the bike for a spin. The speedometer worked just like they said it would.

Tonight is cereal night. We read the paper and watched some TV. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday March 15, 2011

March 15, the Ides of March, I don't know why I remember this date but I do. Ms P and I have our schedule all screwed up. We did not get up until 0610. We overslept by one hour. I stayed up and started my at home routine right away. I was done and showered by 0730. The painter arrived at 0800.

After talking to the painter I got on the retro and headed to the MAC. The MAC was nearly empty. I was done before 1000. I headed home to see what progress the painter had made. He was moving right along. I got back on the C2 and headed to the Kava House. The Kava House was also empty. I read the WSJ and DFP. Japan still dominates the news. I got home at 1230.

The painter was just finishing up. We have the windows open and a blower going to dry the paint and dissipate the odors. I forgot to mention that not only are we getting the master bedroom done but we are getting some repair work done in the kid's bathroom. The kid's bathroom had some damaged plaster so it was patched and then repainted.

I was very tired this morning so I took a short nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the block. This afternoon I am getting my AT bike ready for the biking season. I will put on the new speedometer and blow up the tires. This evening Nancy and I are going to Panera Bread for dinner. It is a cloudy and cool day so a bowl of soup will taste good. I hope to get back in time for NCIS.

We got back in time to see a rerun of NCIS. We headed to bed at 2100.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday March 14, 2011

I heard the Grandfather Clock ring 0400. I knew Nancy had not changed it to DST. Ms P and I got up and headed outside. I looked at my watch and found out it was really 0400. Nancy had changed the time on the grandfather clock. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0710. I was late because the painter is coming at 0800. I hustled to get my exercises done before the painter arrived. I was 10 minutes late. However, we had left the door open so he started moving in. The painter, Randy, has worked in our house before.

After finding out the painter's schedule I got on the retro and pedaled to the MAC. It was about 25⁰ but I had dressed properly. I completed my busy Monday program in record time. I pedaled back home and Nancy beat me by 2 minutes. The painter was making good progress. He had to let some plaster dry so he would leave early today. I got back on the retro and headed to the Kava House. I read both the GRP and WSJ. Today's papers were heavy on the disaster in Japan. What happened to Libya?

I got home about 1330. I had a quick lunch. Nancy had lunch with some retired teachers at Rose's. After lunch I got in the C2 and started to run some errands. My first stop was the Ada Bike shop on Fulton. The now have a branch in GR. I purchased a speedometer for my bike. It is the same kind that Missy uses. After the bike shop I headed to Rylee's. I purchased some paint for our cabinet. I will paint the inside of the cabinet today. At 1600 Michigan Glass Block stopped by to give us an estimate to replace out basement windows with glass block. This action will make the basement warmer and more secure. The alarm installer recommended putting in the glass block.

Monday night is cereal night. I finished Nancy's sandwich from lunch and ate a bowl of mini-wheat's. We watched the news and at 2000 watched House. At 2100, EDT, we headed to bed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday March 13, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0600 or was it 0500? Last night I set my new alarm clock/itouch docking station ahead one hour. The clock said 0600 when Ms P and I went out. However, my watch said it was only 0500. I turned on my phone and it said 0500. Apparently my new clock automatically changes the time when we go between EST/EDT. I was 2 hours ahead.

Nancy and I got to the MAC in time for our swim. The pool was not crowded and we both swam 45 minutes. After the swim we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.64. We purchased a lot of supplies because AJ and Missy are coming next week. Nancy is very excited about their visit.

We had Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We are also starting Ms P on a new dog food. She really likes it. I guess change is good even for a dog.

Nancy had to go to the hospital today to enter some merchandise into the computer. I took a nap. After the nap I took Ms P around the block and then completed a 3.3 mile walk. Tonight we are having hamburg/baked bean casserole. We will read the GRP and watch 60 minutes. We all headed to bed at 2030. Yes I know it was early.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday March 12, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0630. Nancy bounces right out of bed because she has an early class at the MAC. I linger. The sun was coming out when I got on the retro and pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. I had their pancake special. After breakfast I decided that I better get a bike ride in now because it looks like it will rain soon. I pedaled around Reed's Lake. When I got home I took Ms P around the block.

Today my chore is too wash the walls in the master bathroom. The painter is coming Monday so in addition to cleaning the walls I had to remove two towel racks and the shutters. It took about 90 minutes to complete this chore. I had a quick lunch and now I am starting this blog. I will take a short nap and then get ready to go out for dinner. Tonight we are meeting the Namey's at the Sundance for dinner. We will have dessert at their house.

We left home for the Sundance at 1730. Nancy and I like dinner with the Namey's. Tonight was no exception. Ed Namey is five days older than I am and we both graduated from UM in January 1961. After dinner we retired to the Namey's for a dessert of ice cream and cookies. Nancy and I got home about 2130. We must reset our clocks tomorrow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday March 11, 2011

I got up at 0500 and after seeing Ms P do her bidness I went back to bed until 0700. I did most of my routine at home. It was mild and clear today so I rode my bike to the MAC. The sun came out early this morning and remained out all day. I rode the retro to the Kava House. I read the WSJ and DFP. The papers were published too early to report on the earthquake in Japan. The pictures from Japan were frightening. The power of nature is awesome.

I had a quick lunch and then headed to Williams Bath to get our new sink and toilet. It took some creative packing but I got all the pieces in the C2. Nancy helped me get the pieces upstairs. I checked my email and then Nancy, Ms P and I headed to Kohl's. I bought a pair of 501 jeans, a pair of shorts and tee shirts. Nancy bought several items of clothing. We are staying home this evening. We are going to have some of the chicken left over from Book Club. Tomorrow night we are going out to dinner with the Namey's.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday March 10, 2011

Post number 952

Ms P and I were up and out at 0500. Today the flooring contractor comes to install the new floor in the master bathroom. I will be doing most of my exercises at home today. I got everything done by 0815. The contractors arrived at 0900. Ms P and I made a quick trip to Kava House. About 1030 Nancy came home from the MAC . I then headed to the MAC and finished my routine.

The contractor finished about 1230. The floor looks good. Nancy left about 1215 for the hospital. This afternoon she has to work in the gift shop. I took Ms P on a walk around the block and then walked 3 miles. I did take a short nap. I finished the afternoon by dusting my office.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I had the cod sandwich and Nancy a trip to the salad bar. Nancy fixed me a piece of carrot cake for dessert. It was so good I had another. We read the GRP and watched some TV. I retired upstairs at 2100. We have a beautiful cresent moon tonight. Next week Thursday is St Patrick's Day. Think Spring!

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I leave the house at 0640 for the 0700 meeting. As usual we had a great breakfast. The attendance was small because I think a lot of members are in warmer climes. The speaker talked about a recent trip to Vietnam. It was not a very good talk but he did show some slides of Danang and Nha Trang. These two cities have become resort areas because of their great beaches. There are multi story resort hotels along the beach. In 1964 two story buildings were rare. The speaker did take the train down the coast and it seems like the railroad is a great way to travel between coastal cities.

After breakfast club I stopped at the Kava House for a chance to read the WSJ and DFP. It rained almost all day yesterday and I hit a heavy shower when I left the Kava House. I got soaked. I changed pants when I got home.

At 1130 I headed to the MAC and a swim. The pool was crowded and I had to share a lane. I swam for 40 minutes. This afternoon I have a GRBA meeting. I left for the meeting after I finished at the MAC. We had a short meeting.

This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden. She asked that I pick up a chicken at Costco. At 1500 I headed to Costco. I also filled the C2 up. Gas was $3.42 per gallon. I stopped at Staples to get ink cartridges for my printer. Ink is expensive.

When I got home Nancy was finishing her preparations for tonight's meeting. Nancy lucked out because Kim came today and cleaned the house. Kim has been sick recently and has missed several cleaning sessions.

I took a short nap. At 1750 Tom Moleski left Linda off and I got in the car and we headed to Uccello's for dinner. I had the spaghetti and meat balls. The food was really good. After dinner we headed home so we could have a piece of Tim's birthday cake. Nancy made a carrot cake and it was good.

After everyone left we read the paper and watched some TV. At 2100 we headed to bed. It has been a busy day for Nancy and Bob.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday March 8, 2011

Ms P and I were up and outside at 0500. The temperature was a mild 30. This morning I did most of my exercises at home. I like doing my rowing in front of a TV. At the MAC the rowing machines are far removed from any TV. I took a quick shower and then had breakfast. The plumber arrived at 0915 and was done by 1015. After he left I got in the C2 and drove to the MAC. I finished my routine at the MAC.

I had free coffee at the MAC and finished reading the WSJ. I stopped at Home Depot to get some ideas for my kayak rack. I got home about 1310 and had lunch. Nancy got home about 1330. Nancy immediately started making food for tomorrow's book club meeting at our house. I headed upstairs.

This afternoon after writing this blog I will walk to the post office to mail a bill. Tonight is cereal night. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS at 2000. I hope to be in bed by 2100 because I have Breakfast Club at 0700 and a GRBA meeting at 1400. Tom Moleski and I are going out for pizza tomorrow night.

Monday March 7, 2011

Monday morning and the start of a busy week for Bob and Nancy. Ms P and I are up at 0500 and then quickly back to bed. It was 17⁰ this morning. I got up for real at 0700. Nancy and I left for the MAC at 0740. I completed my busy Monday schedule by 1015. I walked over to Breton Village Mall, bought a coffee, and sat in the common area and read the WSJ and DFP. I did not get done reading until 1210. My walk home was very pleasant. The temperature had risen to 30⁰ and it was bright and sunny.

I had a quick lunch and then I had Nancy help me oil the chain on my rowing machine. Tomorrow we are having a plumber come by to remove the toilet and sink from the master bathroom. I made room for Nancy in the kid's bathroom.

At 1730 I got in the C2 and drove to Belding. Ryan Worden's Mother passed away last Friday. Ryan is a nice young engineer who works for SCECO. I visited the funereal home to pay my respects. The place was packed an indication that Ryan's Mother was as nice as he was. For dinner I stopped at a Burger King along the way for a couple of hamburgers.

When I got home I drank my Guinness and read the GRP. The GRP has been writing a number of articles about the young Fennville HS basketball player who made the winning shot in overtime to give the team an undefeated season. After making the shot he had a fatal heart attack. It was very tragic.

Nancy and I watched House and at 2100 headed to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow because the plumber is coming tomorrow morning to remove the old sink and toilet in the master bathroom. I am getting repetitive.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday March 6, 2011

Ms P and I are a week off because the morning we thought we were on DST. We were up at 0400. I stepped outside and almost slipped. All the drive was covered with a thin sheet of ice. I went back to bed and got up with the alarm at 0646. I got dressed and then spent some time placing salt on the drive. This morning we both swam for over 50 minutes. We made our weekly trip to Meijer's and I filled the Taurus up with $3.54 gas. The sun came out and it is turning into a bright sunny day.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I read some of the papers and then took my afternoon nap. Nancy went to the hospital to stock some shelves with new goodies. After the nap I took Ms P around the block. Presently I am reading some magazines in my office. I will finish off the afternoon with a 3.3 mile walk.

This evening we had some prepackaged split pea soup from Meijer's. It was not very good. Nancy also fixed hot dogs. Hot dogs are always good.

We watched 60 minutes and read the GRP. Between 1900 and 2000 I watched the Military Channel while Nancy finished her book. Book Club this Wednesday is at our house. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday March 5, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0510. After we completed our routine it was back to bed. I did not get up until 0750. It was raining this morning so I got in the C2 and headed to Bill's. I had their pancake special and read the WSJ and DFP. It started to snow about 0830 but it was not sticking. I got home at 1000. Nancy had arrived just before me. Our washing machine is chattering when on the spin cycle. This morning we are going to try and level the machine. I got out my level and crescent wrench and started to work. We got is leveled and tightened the leveling screws and hoped for the best.

I spent some time in the office checking email, etc. About 1330 I took Ms P on her walk around the block. I then walked to the post office to mail some letters. I took the long way home so I could get 5 miles in.

1500 and Nancy has run several loads of laundry with no chattering from the washer. It is a dark dreary afternoon. I just ordered some river driver shirts from LL Bean. I am also catching up on some reading. Tonight we are going to Russ's for dinner.

1620: I just went downstairs and watched the end of the UM/MSU basketball game. UM won and I think this is the first time in years that UM has won both games. Basketball was not big at UM when I was in school. In fact I cannot name a player on the 1960 UM team but I can name three on the Ohio State team.

I had Russ's hot turkey sandwich. Sometimes us Midwest boys need our white bread, mashed potatoes and gravy. We watched a little TV and headed to bed at 2100.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday March 4, 2011

March 4 in my youth was the day that newly elected presidents took the oath of office. More importantly, March 4 was my mother's birthday. Today Mother would have been 104. I remember one of Mother's birthdays during WWII when my dad was working in Chicago for the US Army. They would not let dad come home so he sent Mom a very big package. All the presents were wrapped in the Sunday comics. I can't remember the presents but I sure remember the enjoyment I got looking at the funnies. Today I was going through some Hughes family photos when I came across a college photo of Mother. The resemblance between Mother and Debbie is amazing. I always call my sister on Mother's birthday. Today was no exception.

It was suppose to rain all day today so I took the C2 to the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House for my daily coffee. I read the WSJ and DFP. Most of the serious stories were about local, state and federal budget problems. Some very tough decisions have to be made and I am not sure that our politicians have the nerve to make these decisions. For example in Michigan public pensions are not subject to Michigan's income tax. I get a small public pension and I approve of the proposed tax. I know some GR employees who retired after 30 years who get 100% of their working salary. They paid the state income tax while working but now are exempt. That means they are making more money now than when working. Social Security is also exempt and the Gov proposes to keep the SS exemption. I wrote my senator and representative about my feelings on the proposed tax. My representative, Brandon Dillon, wrote back and said that he is not going to place this big burden (4% tax) on the back of us poor seniors. I strongly disagree with Representative Dillon. The majority of states tax pensions and Michigan bite the bullet if it wants to balance the budget. As a point of interest, Mr. Dillon was on Steve's little league team.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then ran some banking errands. After the errand Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Home and Garden Show downtown. We spent about 2 hours looking around. We had dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. We got home in time for the national news. We watched TV and read the GRP until 2100 and then headed to bed.

Thursday March 3, 2011

Thursday morning and Ms P and I are up at 0500. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0710. This morning I am not going to the MAC because Phil Dougherty, electrician, is coming at 0930. I head downstairs and start doing my morning routine at home. It was last June when I was last on the rowing machine. In fact I was last on the machine the day I did my face plant on the concrete sidewalk. The machine seemed very rickety but I rowed my best time for the 5K. After my exercises I took a quick shower.

Phil arrived right on time and as he was working Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to the Kava House for coffee. I drank to coffee at home in the back room. I read the WSJ and DFP. Phil finished his work at 1330. The light/fan in the master bathroom looks great and works fine. I had a new light put in my office. It is really great because it makes the room so much brighter. We need bright light in wintertime.

I left for the MAC at 1330 and finished my exercise routine. I returned home and took Ms P around the block. I must make a daily walk around the block and permanent fixture in my day. I dropped Ms P off and then took a 30 minute walk.

Yesterday I talked to Debbie and today I spoke with Missy. I like talking with my girls. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the Civic Theater to see Hello Dolly. We bought our tickets through groupon.

The play "Hello Dolly" was good. It was OHHS night at the theater. We talked to the Obermeyers and Buists. We got caught up on all the kids.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday March 2, 2011

It is Wednesday with no Breakfast Club. That means no alarm clock. I got up at 0715. Today is suppose to be another nice day but a big storm is heading our way. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. When I got home I checked my email and talked to our travel agent. We have made up our mind on where we are staying and the route we are taking. We will avoid London because we are leaving the week of the big wedding. I also called Phil Dougherty our crack electrician to schedule his work in the master bathroom. Phil was very accommodating and he will be here tomorrow morning. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam for 40 minutes. Today I wore my swim mask that covers my nose. I think keeping my nose out of the heavily chlorinated water will keep me from being stuffed up for 24 hours after the swim.

After the swim I headed for Gazelle Sports to check on their spring stock. They had not yet put our their spring stock. The same can be said of "Bill and Paul's". I must have premature spring fever. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block. This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden. The Garden should be busy because the butterflies are in.

Tonight was cereal for Bob and Nancy had a TV dinner. We watched the news and read the GRP. Tonight there was a James Taylor/Carole King program on PBS. We watched it and it was quite good. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Monday March 1, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0500 and guess what; no snow to shovel. It was cold but clear. The temperature is going to get up into the 40s. This means March came in like a lamb. Nancy and I left for the MAC at 0740. I did my thing and then drank coffee and read the WSJ and DFP at Breton Village.

The walk home was very pleasant. It was sunny and not a cloud in the sky. After lunch I checked some email and played on the computer. Later I picked up Ms P and we ran some errands. I stopped at the credit union and 53rd banks. My final stop was at Rylee's. I exchanged some rod tips for Nancy and purchased some supplies for the kayak rack. As I walked in the door Nancy said I had a phone call. It was Peggy at the travel agency. She gave us some options for our Scotland trip. Nancy and I talked it over and we decided on the option we liked. We will call tomorrow and make our reservations.

Tonight Nancy is fixing a shrimp gumbo. It smells good. We will watch the news, read the GRP and then watch NCIS before heading to bed.

It was 50 years ago March that I finally made up my mind on my military obligation. I ruled out going to Army or Air Force OCS because their minimum term was four years. I could not get in the Marines because my eyes were too bad. My remaining options were going to Navy OCS and becoming an officer in the Navy's Civil Engineering Corps or being drafted and serve two years as a grunt. The Navy tour was three years and the Army was two years. However my time in the Navy would count towards getting my engineer's license. The Army time would not count. It was a no-brainer the Navy won hands down. I headed to the Navy recruiter and took the required exams and physical. I flunked the eye exam but they gave me an exemption for the Civil Engineering Corps.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday February 28, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0430. We had a light snow overnight so I started shoveling. Nancy and I left for the MAC at 0730. Today is my busy day so I was not finished until 1000. As I mentioned in a previous blog my computer has a malware problem. My computer geek said that he could be at our house at 1130. I left the MAC at 1050 and got home just in time. It took about a hour to get rid of the problems.

After a quick lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and ran some errands. My first stop was Tractor Supply in Lowell. I am trying to modify my kayak rack and was looking for some ideas. Tractor Supply had a lot of gear that is not found in a traditional hardware store. However, I found nothing that would meet my needs. Our next stop was Travel by Gagon. Nancy and I are trying to put together a trip to Scotland for the last week in April. Peggy at the travel agency had some good ideas. She is going to call me tomorrow.

When I got home I looked into some day tours out of Edinburgh. I was surprised at how many trips were available. I am also going to rent a car so we can get to Campbeltown. Did you know that it is only 41 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh?

For dinner I finished the beans and rice and pizza. It was tasty. We read the GRP and watched House before heading to bed.