Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday June 3, 2009

Every other Wednesday I have to set an alarm for 0545 in order to get to the Breakfast Club by 0700. I made it with time to spare. The club had about 40 members in attendance. After the club I stopped by the Saturn and Chevy dealer to look for a car for Nancy. I have several selected but I want to know the average gas price for the next 5 years. Will it be $3 or $4 per gallon?

In addition to a decision on a car, I also had to make another immediate decision. Where am I going to launch my kayak? I decided to drive over to Lake Michigan and put in at Pigeon River. The River outlets to Lake Michigan. Because it was very windy, I did not want to go out on the big lake. Instead I paddled up the river. It was a very pleasant trip. I paddled 6 miles in about 2.5 hours. I completed the afternoon by going on a 3 mile walk.

Nancy has, what we thought, were some bad mosquito bites. This afternoon she had an appointment with our skin doctor. Dr Mary told Nancy that it was not insect bites but poison ivy. Our hill in the back yard must have poison ivy. Tonight was cereal night followed by some reading and TV viewing.

June 3, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Rome, Italy. Grandmother wrote: "visited Vatican Sculpture galleries, candle stick gallery, picture gallery and Sistine Chapel".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote: "Friday, partly cloudy, drove to Alpena to see Kurasch (an insurance firm) about mill site. Worked in garden in morning.

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