Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday June 19, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day. I slept in until 0645. I had breakfast at the Cheri Inn, hot cakes and eggs. The food was good but after I paid my bill and started to read the DFP the server refused to refill my coffee cup. This is the ultimate insult. Good bye Cheri Inn. My big decision this morning was where am I going kayaking. I decide to head for South Haven and kayak the Black River. The Black River runs through South Haven and outlets to Lake Michigan a short distance from downtown. I started paddling around all the boats docked along in river. The river area looks prosperous, a condo is located next to each dock. The condos all look new. I saw a few boats for sale but it did not appear to be more than normal. I did note one new multi level condo that did not appear to have any tenants. After paddling around the boats I headed upstream. It did not take long to reach a stretch of the river that was undeveloped. This stretch was quite scenic. I spent 3 hours on the river and paddled 7 miles. South Haven has done a lot with its downtown and I think Nancy and I will make a point of having dinner downtown.

After I got home I decided that I needed to stretch my legs. I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight Nancy and I watched a rerun of NCIS and then headed to bed. It is now 9:15 and still light outside. How I love this time of year.

June 10, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Florence, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: " Visit Uffise Gallery and Santa Maria Del Flore, bill at Chapman is 173L (grandmother stayed at the Chapman), in the afternoon go to more stores and to Cooks to see about boat for Montreal, come home and have dinner in garden, buy tea and coffee outfit".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that he worked in garden until it started to rain and so he stopped at 1030. The rain stopped and he went back to garden. Worked in post office in afternoon.

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