Monday, June 15, 2009

Friday June 12, 2009

Today is the day I head for Cleveland to visit Tasha. It is about a 4.5 hour car trip. In order to keep alert while driving I perform my exercise routine a 2/3 capacity. It was a nice day for a drive. I stop at Cabela's in Dundee. The store was jammed. I got to Tasha's house at 4 and she got home from work a little after 5 PM. We have dinner at a local tavern that has a fresh perch Friday night special. It was good. Tasha and I had a pleasant evening. I turned in early.

June 12, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Italy. Today Grandmother Hughes left Florence for Venice. She arrived at 5 PM. She spent the evening at St Marks Square. Grandmother Hughes is staying at Casa Petraca. It cost 48L per day.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938 (Sunday). Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote: " we drove to Laura's for dinner, took Laura and Ann to Ossineke. We went to ball game, Greely Grange vs Spratt and Nicholson Hill vs Hubbard Lake, took Laura and Ann back to Alpena. (GG must have been a real baseball fan. My Grandfather also was a baseball fan and he would drag me to all the Hubbard Lake home games when I worked on his farm.)

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