Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday June 26, 2009

Another night with the AC on. It looks like we will be able to turn the AC off tonight. It was another warm day but with little humidity. After the MAC I pedalled home and loaded the road bike in the Aztek and headed to GR Bike Company. They installed some drop handle bars. While waiting I had coffee at Starbucks. My stomach is beginning to rebel when I drink Starbucks. I think it is too strong and bitter. While waiting HC called and said she and the church ladies made it to GR and were at the DeVos Center. We will see them at about 10 PM this evening. This afternoon I took a 10 mile bike trip to try out the new handle bars. Every thing worked fine.

This evening Nancy and I met several folks at Holly's Landing for a German food buffet. It was good but very filling. It is now 9 PM and we are waiting for the church ladies.

June 26, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. It is Sunday and Grandmother Hughes wrote "go to Westminster Abbey to service. In the PM go to Temple Church built in the 12th century, Goldsmith buried near Temple Church. The church is on Fleet Street".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938, the year of this writer's birth. GG wrote " It was Sunday and clear and cool. We drove to ball game, took Clinton. Ossineke 6, Fall Creek 0. Laura called and paid $1.35 for ice and eggs".

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