Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday June 27, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0626 and Nancy gets ready to go to the MAC and I get ready for breakfast. HC is already up and eating breakfast before she heads downtown for the church conference. I get on my bike and head for D&W to get a NYT. Gas Light Village is jammed at 0700 and I remember that today is the Reeds Lake Run. I get my paper and head for the Brandywine. After breakfast I load up the kayak and drive to Saugatuck. I spent 3 hours paddling around Kalamazoo Lake. It is fun paddling around all the big boats. It looked like folks had spent this great summer weekend on their boats. Unfortunately, I did notice that a lot of dock space was unused. I think this is because of the faltering economy.

After I got home I took a short nap and then Nancy and I headed out to Russ's for a hamburger and then to Kohl's. Nancy purchased a suitcase at Kohl's. When we got home HC and the church ladies were relaxing on the breezeway. Nancy and I joined them. I put fans in all the bedroom windows and hope we do not have to turn the AC on tonight. We just got a short shower and it appears to be cooling off.

June 27, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in London. Grandmother Hughes had a busy day and she wrote:"Go to American Ex. and get letters and papers, then go to Cooks and then walk along Haymarket and Piccadilly, have tea in the afternoon, go for Am Ex tour of west end, see #10 Downy and Lord and Lady Mountbatten's home, very beautiful, and other homes of famous people, visited Scotland Yard.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was a Monday and GG Sanborn worked in garden picking bugs. GG took ice to Laura. Kitten continues plowing.

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