Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday June 15, 2009

I get up at 0335 so I can leave the Cleveland area by 0400. I have to be in Mt Pleasant by 0945. HC and I have some legal matters to attend to in Mt Pleasant. The trip was uneventful except that my "service engine soon" light was on the entire trip. We got our business done by 1:30 and I head to GR. I did stop at the GR Bike shop to get a new tire for my bike. It was good to be home and see Nancy after 4 days away. I was going to bed early tonight but here it is 1000 and I am still blogging.

June 15, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Venice, Italy. Grandmother wrote: "leave Venice at 2 PM and arrive in Milan at 7 PM. Shop at Hotel Cavour, meet Mrs Sandquist here. Met Mrs S first on train to Venice.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote: "nice warm day, George K cut garden and drag 40 ft piece, Jim C lead the horse and I paid $1 and let a job to hoe the garden, $5, and for loading the horse, $1. Paid George K $3.50.

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