Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday June 16, 2009

Today was another sunny warm day. After my at-home exercises I loaded the bike in the Aztek and headed to the Pontiac garage. I left the car so they could find out what caused the warning light to go off. I rode my bike from the garage to the MAC. After the MAC I pedalled to the Kava House for coffee and the DFP. Today's DFP had an article on the Feds efforts to arrest Council Women Conyers. They are getting close.

Today is lawn mowing day. I have a new outlet in front of the house that I hope will make it easier to cut the grass because I will not be dragging around 125' of chord. I think I saved about 15 minutes in cutting time. Tonight Nancy is hosting the OHNA meeting so I got the blower out and got rid of all the grass clippings on the sidewalk. The yard has to be just perfect.

Yesterday GR brought out a stump chipper and got rid of the stump in the front yard. They left a big hole. Today GR returned and filled the hole and placed some grass seed. They did a good job.

I am upstairs in my office while the meeting is going on downstairs. Nancy made cookies for the meeting. I hope some are left over.

June 16, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Milan, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "see the Last Supper, Leonardo DeV's original, visit St Marks Cathedral, very wonderful (Grandmothers words), Last Supper is in a convent window in Milan Cathedral, very fine, stopped at Hotel Cavous where bill was quite large, 255L.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG attended at dinner at church. They had a small crowd and receipts were about $4.00. GG wrote "we went for Mrs Hammer and then for Mrs Folcum, Mrs (GGM) went along for the ride".

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