Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday June 25, 2009

It was 75 degrees at 0700 this morning. The temperature reached 94 degrees this afternoon. I followed my normal Thursday routine. I had lunch immediately after getting home from the Kava House. This afternoon Nancy and I are headed to Ithaca to attend a retirement party for Al Davis, the assistant highway engineer for Gratiot County. Nancy and I left at 1245 and had a pleasant drive to Ithaca. With all the rain we have had the fields were super green.

Nancy has been to several retirement parties for road commission employees around the state. She said the food is always the same. Simple, hearty and plenty. It was a pleasant retirement party for a super guy. I saw a number of people I have worked with and I enjoyed talking to them. On our way home we stopped at a roadside stand selling strawberries. Nancy bought 2 quarts of berries ($5) and the young lady gave us a free quart of day old berries. We also stopped at Wal-mart in Greenville.

For dinner tonight Nancy prepared some fried eggs sandwiches. They were great. I checked the weather outside and it seems to be drier and cooler. We might be able to turn off the AC tomorrow.

June 25, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Brussels. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "leave Brussels for Ostend, take boat to Dover and arrive in London at 5 PM.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn said that they had rain and drizzle all day. The wind was out of the east and quite cool. Florence (GG daughter and my grandmother) out with chicken (?).

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