Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday June 23, 2009

Another sunny, very warm day. In fact it was so warm Nancy turned the AC on for the first time this year. I had a doctor's appointment at 1130 so I did not go to the Kava House. I did, however, go to Starbucks after the appointment and read the DFP. As I was leaving Starbucks my cell rang and it was BR at LSE wanting me to stop by the office to discuss a current project. I had a free schedule so I bought a subway sandwich and headed for the office. BR had a good handle on the project and just wanted to toss around some ideas. I gave my opinion. I also got to talk to the guys and meet the new intern who is a UM student. A wise decision.

After the office I changed into my worked clothes and finished cutting the lawn. Our yard with Nancy's flowers and my fine mowing looks great. In fact the lawns in the entire neighborhood look great.

For dinner Nancy made a chicken/Asian cole slaw salad. It is a great summer salad. Tonight is a quiet evening at home. It is now 9 PM and I will turn in after I complete this blog. One thing I noticed about being retired is that I don't do as many activities in the long summer evenings as I did when I was working. I now complete these activities during the day.

June 23, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Cologne, Germany. Leave for Brussels arrive 7:30 PM. Stay at Nord, room is 30 francs a night or 90 cents, dinner with tip is $0.75 and breakfast is $0.15.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena to buy chicken feed. Florence (my grandmother) accompanied them. Dinner at church, 7 or 8 dollars collected. GG noted that Geo Kitter worked 1 day.

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