Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday June 8, 2009

We had some serious thunder boomers last night. It was still raining when I got up this morning. Nancy is going to Mt Pleasant today to do a little gambling. I am following my normal Monday routine except that I wore my rain coat and pants when I pedalled to the MAC this morning. Today's DFP continues to report on the misdeeds of the Detroit Public Schools.

This afternoon I ran several errands and visited my favorite hardware store to get some washers for the sink drain. I put it back together and it still leaks. I also stopped at Best Buy to see if they had a Kindle. I want to see how a Kindle feels and works.

The grass was too wet to mow so I got out the weed wacker and trimmed the edges of the lawn. It is suppose to rain tomorrow so the lawn will really be long when it is finally dry enough to mow. Tonight after reading the GRP I read an article in Vanity Fair on Allen Stanford. He ran a ponzi scheme. I don't know why I am so interested in white collar crooks.

June 8, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Naples, Italy. Grandmother wrote: "leave for Florence arrive at 8 PM. Stop at Pension Chapman, rate is 40L including tax".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG worked in his garden in the morning. The Sunday School gave their play in our house, very good.

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