Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday June 22, 2009

Last night was the warmest night of the year. We did not turn on the AC but I did give it some serious thought. Nancy used her fan and she said it worked fine. In fact, last night reminded me that I should call the Heating/Cooling Contractor and have him check our AC. They are coming next week.

My morning routine was uneventful. After lunch I caught up on some reading. I had a 2:50 appointment with my nose doctor. He said the nose spray was working great and all the swelling was down.

I normally cut the grass on Tuesday but seeing I had some time I used the weed wacker to edge the grass and then I cut the grass withing 3 feet of the edge of any concrete. I then blew all the grass cutting off the concrete. Tomorrow I can finish cutting. The temperature was about 85 when I was working outside so I am glad I left some work for tomorrow. Tonight was cereal night and Nancy cut up some MI strawberries to put on the cereal. It was good. It is about 9 PM and Nancy and I are headed to bed. Oh the exciting life of us old folks.

June 22, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Germany. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "Visit Cologne Cathedral and attend service. Next visit museums, spend rest of time around city".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday, GG went to garden in morning a picked bugs and cultivated garden. The Mrs and Julia set out tomatoes in the afternoon. GG and GGM took a ride to Hartmans.

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