Sunday, June 7, 2009

Saturday June 6, 2009

D Day was 65 years ago. Today was a nice spring day. After breakfast at the Brandywine I loaded up the kayak and headed for Saranac on the Grand River. I paddled 2 hours upstream and 40 minutes downstream. It was a pleasant day for a paddle and I only encountered 1 fisherman. After I got home I noted that the bathroom sink (kid's bathroom) was leaking. I took the drain apart and headed for Modern Hardware. I bought a washer and put the drain back together and guess what? It still leaks. I decided to take a nap and ponder my problem.

After the nap it was time for Nancy and I to get ready for dinner. We are meeting Ed and Mary at a new Persian restaurant. We were very impressed. Nancy and I had lamb shanks and they were great. After the dinner we went over to Ed and Mary's for dessert. All in all a very pleasant evening.

June 6, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Naples, Italy. Grandmother went touring, she wrote "Leave at 8 in the morning for Pompei, visit the ruins there, go on to Amalfi where we had lunch at Hotel Cappuorni, go up 200 steps to the hotel, Monks home. Next drive to Sorrento and back to Naples at 7:30".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG Sanborn worked in garden all day, north side, the south side was too wet. Drove down to Smith fish house for a pack of herron.

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