Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday June 19, 2009

We had a heavy rain last night. This morning was warm and very humid. I followed my normal Friday routine. I did, however, take a poll of men wearing shorts. 75% of the men I observed were wearing white socks. So take that Nancy. The DFP continues to report on the problems with the City of Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools. This morning's article dealt with the City of Detroit receiving property tax revenues from the State of Michigan and instead of passing on the taxes designated for schools they used it to meet their payroll. This is against the law. Both the city and its school are running multi million deficits. The City said they will solve their current problem when they receive stimulus money from the feds. I am not in favor of my tax dollars going to keeping incompetent, corrupt organizations in business.

This afternoon I drove to the Grand Rapids Bike Co to get a new rear tire on my road bike. While waiting it started to pour. The rain came down in buckets. I waited out the rain and then headed home to pick up Nancy so we could go to Costco. We are out of peanut butter. This evening we had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It is now 10 PM and we are experiencing some heavy thunder and lightning.

June 19, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Europe. Grandmother Hughes wrote from Lucerne: "Miss S and I went to church, then to see the Lion of Lucerne, had lunch and in the afternoon went to a concert with Miss Sandquist, had turkey dinner, then met English tourists and watched the fire works".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday and GG drove to Long Rapids via Alpena and home by Lachine and Alpena. Church in the evening, then a friend left for Henderson, Nebraska.

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