Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday June 4, 2009

We had an award winning day, weather wise, blue skies, sunny and temperatures in the low 70s. Today's DFP concentrated on the mismanagement of the Detroit Public Schools. The State appointed fiscal czar is finding all sorts of misdeeds by the School Board and the administrators. The only good news in Detroit are the Red Wings and Tigers.

This afternoon Nancy and I made a quick trip to Costco to get some pizza for tonight. We have invited Tom and Linda over to watch the Wings game. On our way to Costco we stopped at the Ford dealer so Nancy could look at the Taurus and Escape. Nancy liked the hybrid Escape. Later in the afternoon we attended an open house in Alto, Mi for JD's new office. It looked nice.

This evening Tom and Linda came over for pizza, beer and to watch the Red Wings. It was a great evening except the Red Wings were losing after the second period. Tom and Linda had to leave at the end of the 2nd because Tom has to work tomorrow.

June 4, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Italy. Today Grandmother left Rome for Naples. She departed at 2:15 PM and got into Naples at 7 PM. She is staying at the Pension Baker overlooking the bay and Mt Vesuvius.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it rained in the morning. He worked in the garden for 2 hours in the afternoon. Ed Schistle called and paid $10 and GG gave him an option on 200' more frontage.

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