Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday June 17, 2009

Had to set the alarm for this morning because this is Breakfast Club day. This morning they had a speaker on Alzheimer's and memory disorder diseases. It was very interesting. There are no pills or magic solutions. The Speaker recommended exercise, eat balanced meals, get a good nights sleep and socialize. I had to leave the meeting early because I had a GRBA meeting. GR keeps building parking structures so the GRBA keep chugging along.

At noon I went swimming. I swam 1000 yards. The nose spray I have been using is working because I did not plug up this afternoon. After swimming I visited the Village Bike Shop to see what they had in single speed bikes. When I got home I reviewed a set of plans for JD. The plans were in good shape and tomorrow we are meeting to go over my comments.

As I was working I got a call from VRS. She said that LA had a swimming lesson. He was very excited. VRS also said LA would wear a tux at a cousin's wedding. I told her to take plenty of pictures. It was great to talk to the folks in LB. Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. She got 2 tickets for a concert tomorrow evening. Tonight we are spending a quiet evening at home.

June 17, 1927 with Grandmother Hughes in Milan, Italy. Grandmother Hughes wrote: "leave Milan for Lucerne, saw wonderful scenery, reached Lucerne about 4 PM, stop at Pension Felsberg, where everything is so nice and the food is so good. Lucerne is a beautiful place, bought linen there".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG drove to Alpena with Mrs and had dinner at Spen's (a drug store with food counter), traded some about $15. Uncle Guy cut small trailer of wood in the afternoon. We drove to garden in evening and got onions.

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